
Where is the line



7 Years
Chrono I

03-05-2021, 02:37 AM

The feeling of his hesitation was needed almost more than the touch he was about to prescribe. The hint of a wrong doing that crept underneath her skin she would make noticeable, but the thought of Ulric desiring her made the empty feeling they both had fill.

The way he lingered made Aranea almost believe he paused for the dramatic effect, so that when they finally gave in to each other it would feel more than was demanded by their body’s missing piece. She would’t give in only to force him to bring the final touch in the start of their dance.

Her body lightly pushed into his but the force felt beyond what they desired as he began to almost melt into her, she giving him the same in response. Gently nestling her tiny nose deep into his fur as they moved along the check and neck, there was no hesitation from Aranea which may have made it clear to Ulric that she was in fact not partial to Allegro if he even had the idea, but honestly there was neither a truth or lie to the statement. Even if he chose to put it on his mind that he could have been more desirable than the unknown man. Her behavior certainly showing a entirely different side of her than she had before, even if she she had hinted through compliments and eye tag. A seductive nature would not be found outside this room or in the daylight where everyone could see her true nature.

As Ulric pulled away, Aranea looked back to him with a longing that had been partially filled, not ready to give up where they had left off. It wouldn’t be his intention to do so as she took gentle steps into his direction while he found place to cozy himself. Her emotion was outwardly fulfilling and still demanding though she didn’t hold a big ole overly eager grin. Her body swelled with lust as a mistress, and this wasn’t the first time she had craved such behavior. She willingly gave in to Noir, and Allegro, and while she loved the children that were made between her and the Abaven man, it was a silent and ignored thought of what she desired more.

She easily joined Ulric, laying down beside his massive body. She turned her belly in to touch his side while a delicate paw gently landed and brushed against his shoulder. Her nose staying lined with his in the event he wanted to push himself back in, her eyes lost in a trance while begging for his own gaze and attention. The thought of someone in the castle catching the two of them exciting but also uninvited. Because what would the rest of them think while Ulric was missing his wife and Aranea had children and a father in a far away land?

Walk "Talk" Think

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead