
Where is the line



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
03-05-2021, 12:37 PM

The more he lingered and hesitated while he wrestled with his own emotions, the more he could feel that desire and longing rolling off of her in waves. The way she looked at him and the assuredness in her movements as they pressed into each other pulled his own lust from the depths, making it burn brighter than the indecision and guilt that threatened to derail him. There was a confidence in her that he hadn't noticed in their other interactions and a seductiveness that surprised him. The compliments and glances she had given him before had been hard to read, but there was no mistaking this. There was certainly something to be said about being wanted, especially when fighting with crushing loneliness like he had been. It didn't even really matter if she specifically wanted him over anyone else or if she just had a craving that she wanted to satisfy. For that moment it was just them blocked off from the rest of the world in this room and he was drinking in the attention she was giving him like someone that had been lost in the desert finally finding water. Occasionally that guilt of feeling like he was betraying Azariah while she was missing and her condition unknown kept threatening to creep in, but with every look Aranea gave him that was filled with burning lust it pushed those thoughts down further and further till they were just a faint whisper that he could no longer hear.

As she laid down with him, he shifted onto his side as well, his forelegs coming up to wrap around her sides and pull her in against him. She was such a tiny little thing and made her feel incredibly feminine and delicate in his paws. The touch of her chest and stomach laying tight against his own only emphasized the fire that she was stoking in him, sending it roaring to life. The foreleg that rested against the floor remained wrapped tightly around her to support her against him while his other paw dared to begin exploring her back and side, his large paw only emphasizing how much he dwarfed her. Meanwhile he tucked his head down over hers, her head against his chest while he nuzzled into the soft fur around the back of her neck and scruff. The more her scent intoxicated him the more he lost himself in her. He left trails of licks and nibbles all along her face and neck. As strange as it seemed, he wasn't that concerned about whether she returned those affections or not. He was enjoying her and that was enough. He enjoyed giving almost more than receiving in these moments and this was beginning to fill that void, that craving that he didn't have another outlet to satisfy it with.

At some point he ended up rolling with her, holding himself above her slender frame while he continued to get lost in the heady swirl of lust, desire, and even relief. In a way it felt like he was accepting his grief and moving past it even though there was no real resolution. At this point he didn't know if there would ever be an answer to the hole Azariah had left and it was easier to fill that gap and drown those emotions than it was to search out an answer that would most certainly hurt him one way or another. If Azariah had left him intentionally then he'd have to face that heartbreak and if she had been killed there would still the pain of loss to face. For at least one night he wanted to give up on his own emotions and let himself indulge in the pleasures that Aranea promised. He tucked his head into the crook of her neck and gave in completely to that fire that was burning from the inside out, finding the only thing that could possibly extinguish it as he gave into Aranea, her pale form and blue gaze the only thing filling his mind.

- fade? -

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