
Where is the line


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
03-05-2021, 06:40 PM
The first rays of light came through his window in the morning, hitting his face and pulling him from his sleep. Ezra grumbled sleepily and stuck his face under one of the furs to avoid the intruding sunshine for a while longer. He didn't get to stay asleep too much longer though because Aquila landed on the window sill, his talons gripping around the ledge of stone. Ezra always left the window cracked so if the eagle wanted to come in or get to him for any reason he could, though Aquila did tend to stay outside most of the time. Some shrill chirping noises from the avian alerted Ezra to his companion's presence, to which the young man gave some muffled sounds of protest. The eagle was quite insistent though, as he always was, and eventually Ezra sighed and pulled his head out from under the fur blanket. "Fiiiine, fine. I'm up."

He climbed out of bed with a long stretch and a shake of his speckled coat before walking out of his room and into the hallway so he could go out to meet up with the black and chestnut eagle that seemed all to intent on getting their day going as soon as possible. As he passed by the rooms that belonged to his siblings, he glanced in to see if anyone was up as well, but it seemed like he would be the first one out today. Fine by him, at least he got to get out of the castle before anyone could bother him. As he was passing by his father's room though he noticed the door was wide open which was unusual. Even though his father did like to have a pretty early patrol, this was early even for him. Ezra gave a shrug and continued on his way at first, but when he got to the open corridor that opened up to the stairs and the balcony overlooking the courtyard, he happened to notice that the freshest trail of Ulric's scent didn't lead to the stairs at all.

He didn't know why he even cared, but something just wasn't quite adding up. His father was usually on such a strict routine that Ezra could almost always guess where he was going to be - mostly for the purposes of avoiding him. This was off of his usual path and it was enough to alert the boy that something was going on. With a little frown he followed Ulric's scent down one of the other hallways that he didn't usually go down. It took him a little bit of tracking, but eventually the trail led him to the door of a random room toward the northern side of the castle. The door was open the smallest bit, leaving a crack where the light from a window inside the room could escape. He could smell his father's scent here really strongly, but there was someone else's scent here too and it wasn't someone he recognized right away.

There was a long moment where he just stood outside the door debating with himself, trying to decide if he should intrude or not. The curiosity finally got the better of him and he slowly stuck his nose inside the door, quietly opening it just enough for him to stick his head inside. His gaze landed on his father's curled up, sleeping form. Ulric's back was facing him so at first he didn't see who else was with him, but as his father shifted in his sleep Ezra spotted the little gray and white healer that he had seen around the pack a few times against his side. Ezra's eyes slowly widened with shock as he pieced together the puzzle of what was going on. His jaw dropped open and he stumbled back out of the doorway, in absolute shock at what he saw, confusion and anger bubbling up in his chest. He took off down the hall the way he came, racing down the stairs and out of the castle. He kept going till he was out of the castle grounds entirely, Aquila's call cutting through the air as the eagle spotted him and took flight to follow him.

Walk | "Talk" | think