
White Spring



Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

5 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-06-2021, 06:28 PM
The soft sounds of shuffling and clicks of claws on the stone floor of their family's dens woke Laoise just enough to peek open a dual tone blue eye in a glare and a grumpy groan of protest before she curled up closer on herself, tucking her russet nose deeper into her brindle fur. She was just about to drift back into sleep when she suddenly remembered what day it was. It was the first day of Spring! It was their birthday! Laoise's head snapped up from the ground with a bright smile and looked around at her sleeping siblings and parents. Everyone was accounted for but Ardyn. Finally she looked towards the mouth of the cave, the sleep leaving her mind enough to finally pick up the howling air outside. Her graceful featured face tilted to the side in confusion. "It's spring now, certainly the snow storms should be lessening now right? Laoise thought to herself. The long legged girl got to her paws and padded over to the entrance and peered outside.

Soft russet ears fell to her skull when the wind blew savagely outside, harder and wilder than she had ever experienced before and her instincts told her to stay inside the den where it was warm and safe. Lee looked over her shoulder, sapphire and ice blue eyes looking for Ardyn but he was no where to be seen nearby. He didn't... Lee thought as she turned her gaze back to the raging storm outside with a worried curl to her delicate brows. Sure enough, she spotted his nearly faded paw prints in the snow headed out into the harsh elements. "Idiot." she muttered, half in exasperation the other half in pure sibling affection. With a heavy sigh, the girl trotted into the strong winds, leaning slightly into the wind to keep her balance and tilted her head to keep the snow from her eyes. She could just make out her brother's paw prints in the snow as she followed them down the ravine, but the further she went the heavier the snow began to fall and her brother's trail became that much more difficult to track.

The footing became more and more treacherous and she focused more on where she was putting her paws that tracking her brothers enormous paw prints and by the time she noticed his prints where gone it was much too late for her to retrace her steps. Even if she did, she knew the heavy snow would have covered them already. Laoise paused next to a large boulder, using its massive size to shield her from most of the savage wind as she took a moment to try and peer around her. She couldn't make out much but when she finally recognized where she was at she let out a breath, the fog from the hot air instantly ripped from her lips. She started to feel panic starting to rise in her chest when she spotted a strange flame colored light flicker close by and her heart jumped. She knew Ardyn's light anywhere. Quickly but carefully she made her way to him, attempting to call his name over the screech of the wind.