
Is love still on the table

Void <3



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
03-06-2021, 08:29 PM
He was losing hope, Void could feel it everyday that went by and Eulogy was still so far from their grasp. He hadn’t seen any hint of her and Spring was already making its return. Vod felt like he’d failed his mother and his siblings. Void had yet to fully call of the search yet, mostly o he could avoid Spirit and Gloom’s reaction. He knew they would be even more devastated than he felt. When they’d embarked on this quest he knew coming home empty handed was a possibility, but Void truly thought they’d have found Eulogy by now. His spirits were dampened, but he wouldn’t show any detrimental emotions on the outside. There was still a chance she would be found. Void wanted to keep up hope for his siblings, but he was weary.

It had been a long time since they’d seen home and he could tell that his brother and sister were wearing down. He was feeling the effects and Void had always been more physically active than either sibling. Not only that but the emotional drain was getting to him, keeping a smile on his face when all he wanted to do was mourn his losses… It made his guilt even more extreme when he found his mind drifting to Plague.

Void tried to shake him from his mind, he still had a task at hand, he couldn’t allow himself to be distracted until he called their search one way or the other. When he started catching Plague’s scent he almost turned around before he realized it was really Plague and not his imagination running away with him. He couldn't help himself then, and massive paws swiftly carried him to the source.

”Plague,” there was a tone of relief in his voice. ”What are you doing out here?” Void found himself rushing to the ivory man’s side, realizing then how much he missed him. He was still a quiet refuge, a balm to the sores of his life. Void needed Plague.