
Is love still on the table

Void <3



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
03-08-2021, 07:29 AM
Void didn't have to hide his emotions with Plague, he could expose himself in all of the raw feelings that flowed through his body. They weren't comfortable, and the emotions were difficult, but if anyone could understand the turmoil beneath it was Plague. Void's safe harbor. The Destruction had to keep himself together for his siblings and now that he was here with Plague he could feel his walls crumbling. The strong foundation he had to build himself upon was shaken as he revealed his weakness to the ivory man. Just being here, having put the effort into finding him, Plague did more for him than he could ever know. As Void held tightly to him, he hoped Plague could feel how much Void needed him. If he had no end to look forward to, a line where they weren't seperate, gave him something to hold onto when he felt like hope was dying.

Plague pulled away slightly, just enough so their eyes could meet, and Void leaned into the man's touched as his paw lifted to his cheek. The pale coated Abraxas said exactly what Void needed to hear, he had to keep going. Despite how much they wanted to move on he had to keep going and hearing Plague say it renewed his determination. He let himself get lost in Plague's endless gaze as he spoke soft encouraging words. Even as a detriment to desire. Plague proved his emotions as he put Void and his needs ahead of his own, he proved how well he knew the star spangled Destruction with those encouraging words. Void thought he might melt right there in Plague's embrace. He sighed softly as he pressed his nose back against's Plague's dark skin.

The man he was swiftly learning to love didn't hesitate in calling his behavior out either. Plague was sweet, but serious as he uttered his observations. Void had to care for himself as much as he was looking after his siblings and searching for Eulogy. The corners of his dark lips pulled back bashfully, because he knew he would have done just that. He would feel torn between staying with Plague and dashing away to return to his siblings. He was being unfair to himself, and to Plague. Pale lips met dark and Void gave in to the advice he was given. He wanted to be here beside Void, he missed his presence greatly. He was constantly torn between duty and desire, but while he was denying himself he was neglecting Plague.

Void kissed him back, giving in to the temptation and emotions that he had tried so hard t push away until he found and returned his mother to where she belonged. He pulled away slightly, again sighing softly through the turmoil as he struggled internally. "I know that I should listen to you, and I want to so bad." He rumbled softly as he pressed his lips to Plague's again. "It's so hard to relax when everything..." He trailed off, revealing his weakness in full to the one he adored.