
It's Just A Bar Fight




6 Years
Chrono I

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3ScarredPride - DemisexualDouble MasterSnake Eyes
03-08-2021, 05:55 PM

Viper's eyes briefly followed as Chimera continued the silent hunt, taking after him as they began their pursuit of the strange creature. As he went to move the two he did not want out of the way, Viper stayed in line with their target so it wouldn't fall too far out of place. They were pretty slow given their size and their turtle like structure. Their legs moved very awkwardly as Chimera got them moving. She too was surprised that they seemed pretty unphased by their upcoming onslaught but it would only make it easier for the two wolves.

Chimera turned his attention to the one they separated and Viper would keep a side eye on him as she snapped at it's leg, keeping it in line. She would notice as Chimera would attempt to get it at an angle to roll it on it's back. Extremely clever, something she probably would have never thought of herself. Once flipped it would be simple to kill it in a matter of seconds, rather than trying to find it's weakness while they were moving around it.

Viper ran ahead of the creature, coming to the same side as Chimera and then closing in the distance from it. She turned her body around so that she was moving backwards, definitely not easy. But quickly she lowered her head to tuck it under the front of it's shell just where it's leg was. If Chimera was quick to see, he could use his much bigger and stronger body to get up under the shell where Viper had it a little elevated and they could quickly get this over with and they could go back home to Ashen.

Hunting Seasonal Prompt

Total Word Count: 1614 Words
Word Count Goal: 1500 words (Met)

Walk "Talk" Think