
Blood and Fire



2 Years
03-08-2021, 06:05 PM
Though her search has carries her far from home winter wasn't the time to set up a new life. It was more about getting through the cold months. She might be a little worse for wear, nothing a few weeks of abundant food wouldn't cure, but still alive. Emiko didn't have any doubts that she wouldn't make it no matter how harsh the weather might become. She'd traveled south in search of food and perhaps a shelter as her home base.

It was the spring and summer she looked forward to. This was when she could really start figuring out the new life that she sought. Maybe it would be the time that she would find the thing that she felt might be missing. Ot would also be the time to see what else this land might have to offer. She knew some others of her clan had left before so maybe she might find them too. For now she went about looking for the food and shelter she needed.

In that search she came across a wolf that seemed her age but was much larger than she. It was his flaming markings against a dark coat that gave her the feeling that she might know or knew him or someone like him. Emiko couldn't be sure, her past at times could be a blur or memories had faded. She needed to know so she approached asking him questions but she soon found out that when he spoke he probably didn't understand. She understood him though. He spoke the language of her native land. She still spoke it but in a new place where others spoke the common language she chose to speak that.

Speaking in her native language she asked her question again, "Have we met?" It was almost a relief to her to finally meet someone that spoke her language and might be able to understand her better than some of the commoners that were in this land. She would speak with him longer and see what information he might give her.