
i have a dream




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
03-08-2021, 08:15 PM
Siren didn’t spend any considerable time near her half siblings, not that she really felt like she could call anyone but Chimera brother. None of them were worth her time, but she lived beneath Venom’s rule and thanks to Chimera her place on the tiny island was secure. She looked after the two wolves who lived there with her, and that was all she felt like she needed to do. The Empire had failed her and Chi and the young woman felt she deserved what she was given, if not more. Chimera liked to spoil her, a far cry from the way his boy self had treated her. A lot had changed since their childhood and Siren often felt much older than her nearly two years.

Before the chilled girl could relocate her solitude was interrupted. She’d noticed an uptick in these red and black splotched wolves within the Empire. Not that she cared, but she had observed. Dual toned eyes peered into him as he approached with confidence and a grin. Siren didn’t get to her paws, and didn’t fully appreciate his charm. She sighed softly to herself in exasperation but put on her princess face just for him. Despite the royal colored aura that lay sleekly over his coat Siren was so far unimpressed.

”Greetings, Raijin.” Siren offered with a slight tilt of her head. Of all the habits she picked up when she was young her manners were by far the most developed. ”Siren Primrose Klein,” For a moment she debated what she wanted him to call her. Just Siren, ms. Klein, the false name Rose? ”Just Siren,” She was one of only two true Kleins remaining, but she had learned not to rely on a name. ”Can I.. help you?” Did he have a reason for disturbing her, he had that fish and likely somewhere to be.