
when will my life begin



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
03-09-2021, 08:10 AM
Siren didn’t know what she was getting into. She should have listened to her instincts and make herself return to Chimera’s side where she was safe. However, the uncertainty before her was like a challenge she couldn’t deny. Siren did not trust the dark furred woman, but she didn’t have any evidence to not trust her either. The young girl remained silent for a long moment as her dual tone eye shifted from wolf to concoction as she debated internally. Did she trust the woman to look after her for potentially hours.

Cicero wasn’t forcing her to do anything, and Siren wondered if she should take the chance. What did she have to lose? Something could happen to her, but then again something could happen to her in returning to Chimera’s side. Siren didn’t believe the other woman had dark intentions. ”Alright.” She said eventually, after much thought. ”I’ll try it.” Siren shifted slightly and allowed Cicero to present her a bowl. Siren was certain the taste wouldn’t be marvelous, but then again she had always hated the taste of herbs.

Siren was right too, the taste was awful but she drank all of the liquid. Still uncertain what was to come the girl settled into a comfortable position. Almost immediately her stomach protested, but she managed to keep the brew down to begin with. There were no instant effects, and she watched Cicero’s features carefully as she waited.

Siren couldn’t say how much time had passed when the vision began, it was soft and subtle at first. Much like the auras she saw on a regular basis, but the dream like surroundings quickly began to intensify. Eyes opened or closed she could see the world dip and change. The willow tree above her began to move and sway to different colors. Siren could see and feel the visions as the brew took hold of her.

She suddenly felt like she was no longer alone in her own head, and she struggled with the second presence that was not Cicero. The visuals shook her and she suddenly felt incredibly sick. Siren dry heaved and fought the overwhelming sensations as her mind grasped at what was happening.