
Is love still on the table

Void <3



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
03-09-2021, 10:40 AM
Plague was swift to correct him, to make sure he knew there should be no guilt for taking care of his family. The man completely understood what was going on beneath his surface, and Void felt even more drawn to him as he spoke. They had their whole lives ahead of them, and even if difficult, taking care of his family was most important. As much as Void devoted himself to his family so did Plague, and if the opposite was true Void would want Plague to do what he could for his own kin. ”Thank you. I’m taking for granted how understanding you always are.”

He found himself smiling again, the expression was so much easier in Plague’s presence. Void was tense, and was indeed struggling with relaxation, but he could easily feel the difference in himself compared to before he stumbled on the ivory Abraxas. Void sucked in his breath with surprise at the sudden feelings racing through him as Plague lay himself over Void’s pale belly. The closeness was welcome, and the warmth that ebbed and flowed was indescribable. Void was further warmed by Plague’s confession, that he wanted to gift himself as well.

Void gazed up into Plague’s vibrant green eyes to allow himself to get lost in those endless forest colors. Without the guilt that held onto him Void truly did begin to relax. His muscles lost their tension as Plague’s kisses sent waves of fire over his skin. He was easily whisking away any thoughts of Void’s responsibilities and for a few moments he could shrug off the weight resting on his shoulders. Everything but Plague fell away.

Massive arms lifted to wrap around Plague’s form as Void held the one he loved tight as he lost himself in him. His senses were overwhelmed, the warm scent of him, the heat radiating between them, the feeling of having Plague so close after being apart for so long. The star splattered Destruction wasn’t sure that he would evite tire of Plague’s lips nor the kisses he gave him. Passionate acts of affection that elicited even stronger emotions within him. If he hadn’t been certain about his love previously, he was now in that peaceful, bliss filled moment.

Underneath it all Void knew that he would have to let go again. His journey wasn’t over, he couldn’t give up on his mother yet. That’s why he felt himself hesitate as Plague whispered tempting words into his ear. There was no confusion about the unsaid words, Void felt the same desire as the man above him. This was his soul mate, his other half, the one, he stopped himself because he knew how special the next few moments should be.

Void pulled away slightly, seeking Plague’s loving gaze as his heart nearly burst from his chest. He couldn’t help the grin that played on his features now as Plague filled his conscious. ”I want to, I want you, but…” he paused to offer a much more innocent kiss to Plague’s nose. Void's expression hardened slightly, this wasn't right, not here in some random forest of Auster and not now when he had his duties looming above him. ”I want this to be perfect, I don’t want to ruin anything when I have to let you go again.” Void whined softly, again feeling himself conflicted. He hated to deny Plague, especially when they were so close like this. He wanted him more than anything, but Void’s devotion continued to drive a wedge between them.