
Is love still on the table

Void <3



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
03-09-2021, 12:13 PM

He had been so lost and entranced in everything that was Void - his presence, his warmth, his scent, the feeling of their fur twisting and mingling together - that when the Destruction man pulled away slightly and managed to catch his gaze it was like he was snapped out of a dream. That "but" after Void admitted that he wanted him as well told him all he needed to know and a touch of disappointment clouded his expression. He understood Void's reasoning and he appreciated the importance that he was giving to this moment that they wanted to share, but... with his love and passion running so deep it was difficult hide that disappointment. He also didn't want to make Void feel badly about the choice though so he quickly pulled a soft smile onto his lips and gave the man another soft kiss. "I understand." He truly did - even if he didn't like it in the moment. "Something to look forward to then," he added, though he wasn't sure if he was just confirming the decision or reasoning with himself.

He carefully untangled himself from Void then, getting to his paws and climbing off of the man so that Void could stand as well. He would have continued to lay with Void forever, but he didn't trust himself to not try to tempt and sway his love to change his mind if he remained there. After a shake of his fur he turned to face Void again with a faint smile. He could feel that dread of having to part ways again creeping up on him like a spirit that was always looming and haunting somewhere in the background. He knew it was an inevitable part of their relationship for the time being and he did not put any blame or guilt on Void for this fact - it was just a burden that they both had to bare.

He opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by the feeling of something leaning against his leg. Looking down, he saw that Vridis had grown bored of the hunting he and his sister were doing and was now leaning against him and looking up at him expectantly. He sighed softly and chuckled with a little shake of his head. Procella wasn't far behind, running toward the trio and finding her place on the opposite side from her brother. "Void, this is Viridis and Procella," he introduced, nodding to the adolescent cubs in turn. The young snow leopards turned their green and blue gazes toward the Destruction man then and bounced over to him, their wide paws carrying them over the snow as they circled around his front legs as well. "They've been pretty good company while you've been away," he added as he looked back up to Void's gaze again, knowing full well that as much as he was bonding with these two companions it was no where near the fulfillment he felt when he was with the one he loved.
