
Living on island time




5 Years

03-09-2021, 03:33 PM

This was it. His Atlantis, his Rome, his Babylon. All of his smaller adventures and wanderings had led him to this very moment, standing on the precipice of one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of all time! Milo's paws touched cold sand as he stepped onto the shore, shivering with the chill the icy waters had left in his bones. A quick tousle of his coat freed him of some excess water, but he knew he would have to find shelter and warmth sooner rather than later if he didn't want to freeze to death. What on earth was going on with this weather? Where was spring?!

The unseasonable cold did little to dissuade the excitement and joy that swelled in his heart like a crescendo in the middle of a symphony as dark teal eyes gazed in wonder at the empty city that took over most of the island, shells of buildings and homes now reclaimed by foliage and covered in snow. Ships and smaller boats floated lazily in the churning sea, moored to a weathered and algae-covered dock. Somewhere out in the surf, a bell rang on top of a long-forgotten buoy, filling the cold air with an unsettling and ethereal ringing. The island was a ghost town, left to rot and die alone. But it would not be forgotten, not so long as he had anything to say about it. His passion would keep this world alive if only for a little bit longer.

Milo made his way up the shore, the paw prints he left behind in the sand gradually fading away with every wave that washed over them. He turned to peer back over the water towards Auster one more time before setting off past the city limits. He was alone now, as he had spent most of his time wandering. Nausicaa had gone her own way to find her uncle or something along those lines. He hoped he'd see the girl again sometime soon; he was quite fond of her. But he couldn't bring himself to be too upset, not when he was literally walking into a piece of history!

Incredible... Simply incredible...! So lost was the brute in his amazement that he failed to notice the lingering scent of another wolf just barely on the gentle coastal breeze. He carried on down broken and mossy paths, claws clicking gently in an otherwise silent world, sounding like sledgehammers on concrete with his quiet everything was. What could have happened to cause such a massive and grand metropolis to become abandoned so suddenly and without any trace of its inhabitants? Mysteries abounded like locks missing their keys, and Milo was going to find their answers.

He had just turned down another street when movement down the road caught his eye. It was another wolf! Milo froze, pausing long enough to take a deep sniff of the air. There was no heavy scent of a pack, so he wasn't intruding anywhere he shouldn't be. Was this wolf also a loner, a wanderer, a scholar perhaps? There was only one way to find out... Raising his muzzle, Milo gave a short howl to the other wolf in greeting, raising a paw when the other wolf would turn to notice him. Now came the moment of truth... would the wolf approach in peace or try to attack him? Milo stood there, shivering occasionally, waiting to see if he needed to run yet.

"Speech" | Thoughts