
Is love still on the table

Void <3



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
03-10-2021, 06:45 AM
Plague was hiding his emotions better but Void could tell how much they shared the struggle before them. He felt the man sigh into his coat as he uttered echoing words. Neither wished to be separate again. Void had endured enough time yearning to be in his presence again and letting him go again was nearly impossible. He only wanted to hold on tightly to the pale furred Abraxas. Void grit his teeth as he held tightly to the other man, and they both struggled. He could feel Plague hesitate, he could feel the excuses rolling through his mind. Void knew it was unfair to propose the question he had. Plague was just as much devoted to his family as Void was and they needed him.

Void felt the frustration and couldn’t decide if it was worse or better they had no one entity to blame their woes upon. The pair of them just had to endure, all good things came to those who wait, and Void loved Plague so much that he would have waited eternity. That wasn’t fair to ask of either of them though, and Void craved the day he could stand beside Plague, to share a meal, enjoy a sunset, sleep side by side… It seemed like an unattainable dream as he held him there.

Eventually Plague moved, pulling away slightly so their eyes could meet. Void looked up into endless forest eyes, wishing he didn’t have to ever leave Plague’s perfect glade. He expected to be denied as he had been before, and he didn’t blame Plague at all. Their situation would have to remain for a little bit longer. He just hoped that he would find Eulogy sooner than later. When Plague spoke though, Void nearly lost his breath.

He would have felt blessed to have a day, but the potential for a whole week in his presence warmed his heart and Void grinned up at the face he loved. ”Very few things could make me happier.” He returned softly, leaning against Plague’s affection. Coming to an end of his journey would be one of the only events he would place above his time with Plague. ”You'll be my lucky charm. We’ll find my mother and brother before Ashen misses you.” He tried to keep a positive attitude. They hadn’t found them so far and his real hope for Plague to help was very small. His presence would brighten his spirits, and that was what Void really needed.

Without hesitation Void leaned forward to kiss Plague again, his emotions building like they hadn’t ever before. Knowing they would have days in a row together put a smile on his features that couldn’t be torn away. Instead of heartache he had hope. He’d have Plague and with toes crossed, he’d have his mother returned too. He wouldn’t get nervous about his siblings meeting Plague yet, but that nervous next step was looming.