
eochaid seagram


09-16-2013, 06:38 PM
OOC Name: sor
How did you get here?: python
Age: 22

Character's Name: Eochaid Seagram
Age: 8
Season of birth: Summer
Size: 34 in.
Appearance description: He is a big, burly wolf, and not aging very well. Eo looks like he could be handsome, or was handsome a few years ago, before life happened to him. He isn't a wolf who seems big at a distance - he is fairly well-proportioned, neither skinny or overly solid. A closer look reveals that Eo is mostly solid muscle, taller than most at the shoulders, and weighs well over a hundred pounds - he isn't someone to be taken lightly. Eo's fur is fairly flattering, or might be on a different wolf. He is mostly white, darkening to gray on his shoulders, and with a striking coppery smudge under each eye.
His eyes themselves are possibly the most attractive part of his body - blue-green in color, and very large. They generally are the only way to get an idea of what he is thinking, because Eo's body language is incredibly subdued most of the time.
What most wolves immediately notice on meeting him are, of course, the giant scars that cover his body. Most of these are ritual in nature, dating back to Eo's youth - swirls around his eyes and on each flank, a line down his head, two slashes on each side of his muzzle, three lines down each foreleg, and a pair of arrow-like shapes on his shoulders. The rest - his nicked ears, scratched flanks, and general battered appearance - are results of a lifetime spent in battles. Eo speaks in a calm, deep bass voice, and has an excellent singing voice. He does have a very strange accent and odd speech patterns - obviously whatever most wolves speak is not his first language, or even his second.
Duty: avenger