
This. Is. Sparta!

Get your Spartans here!

Dragon Mod


13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - RainbowPride - DemisexualEaster 2022Toys for Tots
03-11-2021, 02:43 PM (This post was last modified: 03-11-2021, 02:43 PM by Dragon Mod.)

That's right. Spartans are coming! (Hopefully!) And please bear with me on this, tried to make the culture as accurate as possible but may not be completely historically correct <3

The Story

My girl Okami has spent her time away from Boreas and everything she knew for some much-needed soul searching, and what did she find? A clan of Spartans! Or rather...they found her on the verge of collapse. This clan took her in and cared for her until she was well enough to no longer need their assistance, but instead of leaving, she decided to stay awhile. She lived among them, learned from them, trained with them, even fought some battles alongside them against tyrant enemies, and even went as far as raided for resources with her new comrades. And, of course, she fell in love with one of the warriors. The pair grew close of course, (though they are mostly best friends and not true lovers currently) and it was with his help that she grew out of her meek little shell and blossomed into the fierce warrior that she is now. They accepted her as one of their own and painted her body with the crimson marks of a warrior, and thus she earned her warrior name Odyssia. She is one of few women who have managed to make into the ranks of the Spartan Warriors. Now they've come to Boreas in search of new things. potentially even command and conquer!

The Spartans

The life of this clan revolves around fighting & always being prepared for war. They're a rigid militaristic group who have no qualms about fighting their enemies, and potentially even taking from others when they need resources. They are a war society, after all. With these Spartans, strength was admired and weakness was despised. The greatest virtue was bravery and the greatest honor was to die fighting in battle. The most serious crime for a Spartan was to retreat from battle. Endurance, putting up with pain without complaining, and following orders without questioning were all traits that were greatly esteemed. The Spartan poet Tyrtaios wrote: "It is a novel thing for a good man to die...fighting for his fatherland. Make life your enemy, and the black spirits of death does as the rays of the sun." From the time that pups reach training age (6 months), they are rigorously trained in battle tactics, discipline, obedience, endurance, courage, and self-control. Let it be known that women have a harder time when they're trying to become a Spartan warrior unless however, they show great promise. For the women who don't make the cut, they are still allowed an education and are equal to the men (barring the Spartan soldier position in most cases). The culture of Sparta and the Spartans was pinpoint focused upon their military, they are a highly efficient unit on and off the battlefield. Spartan men, women, and children were born into, and lived in an existence that was ruled by regiment and organization.


The Spartans believed in religion and the gods, of course. Therefore the religion of Sparta was Polytheism, which means that the Spartans believed in not just one god, but many gods. The primary gods in their homeland and from their ancient forefathers at the time were of course the Olympians lead by the mighty Zeus who was connected to all the Olympian gods in some way, and the Spartans followed the belief in the powerful Olympians. The belief in the gods was as strong in Sparta as in any ancient pack that shared similar views to their own. In many cases it is reported that other, less religious packs from their homelands in fact mocked the Spartan's fastidious praise of the Gods, as the Spartans believed the gods were to be obeyed and respected without question. The ancient Greek gods themselves were of course fitted with each state of the Greek empire and groups of people in a unique way, and the gods would serve different purposes for different states and Sparta was no different on this matter. Aphrodite for example, the goddess of love, was in ancient Sparta considered and worshipped as a warrior, which complemented perfectly the Spartan attitudes to not only fighting but also their equality towards women.

Favorite Gods of Sparta

The Spartans like many Greek states would have favorite gods, the ones who merged most effortlessly with their lifestyle, their mantra, and their ethics. With the military-focused Spartans their favored gods were of course the war focused ones, likes Ares and Apollo, though the Spartan are eager to appease all the gods. As such, the Spartans do hold festivals and ceremonies in honor of the various Gods.

Festivals, Customs, & Traditions


Spartan women & marriage

Spartan women had a reputation for being independent-minded and enjoyed more freedom and power than their counterparts throughout their homelands. While they play nearly no role in the military, female Spartans often received a formal education. In part to attract mates, females engaged in athletic competitions, such as sparring one another, hunts, and others. And also sang and danced competitively. As adults, Spartan women were allowed to own and manage the property. Additionally, they were typically unencumbered by domestic responsibilities since those are generally handled by the helots. Marriage is important to Spartans, as their traditions & laws put pressure on members to have male children who would grow up to become citizen-warriors and replace those who died in battle. Men who delayed marriage were publically shamed, while those who fathered multiple sons could be rewarded. In preparation for marriage, Spartan women decorate their bodies with intricate body paint that corresponded to their rank (blue for hunters, green for healers, etc.) & accessories to symbolize their status and their best skill (those who excelled at hunting, for example, often wore large game pelts, antlers, etc.); Afterwards, they may choose to continue wearing these decorations, or a matching accessory with their mate.

Children of Sparta

If you were a child in Sparta, you would have to be strong, blessed with excellent genetics or a fast learner. Spartan children had a responsibility placed upon them at birth, to serve Sparta, and in order to serve Sparta, you had to be strong and learn fast. The Spartans are only interested in the best for their ranks, which meant that strong children were the only ones that would survive. Both young girls and boys were put through initial tests to see if they were strong enough to be useful to them. If a child did not pass these fitness or health tests, they would be left to die in the mountains, or culled. Sparta was not a state to accept anything but the best, and this practice has been done for generations. The treatment of boys and girls in Sparta was different, but they shared many similarities, something other states could not. The Spartan way of life required that both boys and girls be strong, powerful, and capable. Education of the mind and body was deemed important for both sexes, and the Spartan girls and boys would have the opportunity to prove themselves worthy of membership. Just like the boys, Spartan girls would be expected to be physically fit. A healthy female would give birth to healthy babies, thus creating more strong warriors. Spartan girls are allowed to train with the boys and are taught the same combat training as their counterparts in the event they ever need to defend themselves, their honor, their families, or Sparta. Life for a child in ancient Sparta was not easy, you would be expected to be strong from birth, otherwise, you would not make it. For those that did survive, life would continue to be tough, but at the end of your training, boy or girl, you would be a physically strong, mentally strong member of one of the most powerful forces ever.

Plot Ideas

Plot #1: so as mentioned at the start, Okami grew close to one of the warriors. They're best friends (and later, potentially mates). I'd love for this to happen because she's overdue for some falling in love action *winkwink nudge nudge*

Plot #2: The Spartans are a tight knit group (obviously). They come to Boreas in the hopes of finding a new home after their old home was terribly ravaged by war & natural disasters. On that note, since they're a war driven culture, they potentially seek to take over Boreas and put their strongest, able bodied warrior at the helm of whatever packs they manage to take over. Bands are permissible too, of course, but this group aims for greater control!

Plot #3: I encourage competition between the men and women of course. Who knows, maybe any female characters are driven in such a way that they want to be part of thr Spartan army and prove themselves they're just as capable? No meek ladies here, this is for those strong of will driven ladies that wanna prove they can be among the best of the best!

Plot #4: Helots (aka slaves), are very welcome as well and they can be any personality. Since they're generally the ones that handle the basic duties such as crafting, preparing food, etc, we may need some of these guys or gals! There is no age limit, so they could range from pups to elders and there might even be the possibility of Helots ranking out by proving their abilities and showing their loyalty to the Spartans! It may not always be guaranteed but hey, ya never know what can happen icly! ;D

Plot #5: Okay so not really a plot but I have some designs that work for a twin set, so if anyone wants twinsie plots hmu! I'm definitely playing a twin if there's interest cuz I love the designs I found for these LOL

**more plot ideas and other info can be added at any time, so if you have an idea, shoot me a dm!**

Adoption Info

-Coats must not be unnatural colors. They can be any natural occurring color like brown, white, cream, Auburn, black, etc. Albinism & melanism is also okay! Eyes may be any color as well (except black unless melanism is purchased). I am providing some designs below to be used but they must remain on Ardent & will remain with the character should the character be reclaimed. Of course, you're also welcome to use your own design! Also note that the warriors generally wear war paint so this would need to be purchased via small accessory! The only exception to becoming a Spartan with an unnatural coat, would be via recruitment by the Spartan leaders themselves icly. Mutations are welcome and the Spartans usually kept the breeding in such a way that their offspring often had claws or elongated fangs, tusks, and other such things that were beneficial in battle!

-Sizes & builds are usually in the large-extra large range, but smaller wolves can also happen. Tiny extra small wolves may not be considered for warrior positions among the Spartans, however, so anything below 23" is unlikely to ever achieve a warriors rank. However, it isn't impossible if a tiny wolf can prove themselves.

-Please be aware that there may be times when someone may need to be culled if they're deemed unfit for the Spartan ways. The Spartans have absolutely no problem with culling weak or genetically unfit children (or adults), so keep that in mind when applying/becoming a part of their culture & don't whine if this ends up happening to a child/spartan character should they meet criteria that deem them unfit/unworthy later on.

-Names must be Greek or Greek related (This whole thing was inspired by 300 & Troy: Fall of a city, after all >.> <.<)

-Alignments can range almost anywhere, but keep in mind that any really evil alignments who jeopardize their own will be dealt with by their own! The Spartans are a tight-knit group and loyalty to their fellow brothers and sisters is of utter importance!

-These wolves heavily believe in the gods & goddesses, some more than others, and those who shun them may face consequences. In other words, please don't make a char that would outright shun them. I understand IC development may occur so that's okay for the most part.

**I reserve the right to reclaim an adoption if it hasn't been posted with for 2 months (8 weeks), or set inactive with or without warning. If the character falls inactive but you communicate with me on why, then I may consider letting you keep it, depending on circumstances.**

Available designs
Twin 1 & Twin 2
Design 1
Design 2
Design 3
Design 4
Design 5
Design 6
Design 7
Design 8
Design 9
Design 10
(ignore the names on the last two lol. Also since I have so many options available, the rest will be linked in an album so as not to post an insane amount of links here! The ones posted with individual links above were some that I thought were some dang fine looking designs *winkwink*)

Even moar designs <- couple more twin sets in here lol

<b>Physical Description:</b> (site minimum)
<b>Personality:</b> (site minimum)
<b>General plans:</b>
<b>Interested in plot?:</b> If any, please indicate which one(s).