
Every Fire is a Lesson Learned


09-16-2013, 06:45 PM
ooc//Not sure what happens since Ralon has been banned for a while, so idk if it'll just finish up with mako and Alena. your call.

The boy ignored the feeling that he was being watched, he knew the pair outside; the male more like would be keeping an eye on him. But Mako didn't care, not now, not while this woman was in danger after birth. He moved towards the pups, nosing them gently to move them just a little so he could feel their chests. After some moments of nosing and gently pressing, he returned to the she-wolfs vision to tell her. "They seem to be healthy, and the herbs seem to have worked for you. Just rest now, I'll remain close to keep an eye on them while you rest. And when you're fit enough, I...can help you move them back to your pack. You'll need the help to get there." His words came out a little nervously, the idea of helping a stranger move her pups didn't bother was the fact that he might have to step foot into an unknown pack territory to deliver them safely.

The boy settled himself down, off to the side near the pups and watching the entrance to the den. Though he had no clue how to fight, he wouldn't allow something to come in and harm the pups. Even if it meant costing him his life. He tucked his forelegs under him, sitting much like a cat would. His bony haunches protruding from his sides, his malnutrtion apparent but he didn't care. Right now, all that mattered were the pups.
