
I See Myself

Poem, Shae


"The Golden Boy"


Expert Hunter (160)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Dream Weaver
Mammoth Hunter1K
03-12-2021, 10:01 AM

Balthier had been growing more every day, not to his recognition. Perhaps not even his father since when you tended to live along side your children, it was like you woke up one day and you noticed just how much they had grown. That didn't mean Balthier was any less like a kid. He still craved adventure and and wanted to please his father and elders. Balthier wouldn't grow into a rebellious phase to luck of Allegro, even considering the absence of his mother.

Before Poem had given birth, they had talked about what kinds of things they would need to build the real raft for the ocean. So while she was in her early stages of motherhood, he took his free time, he did happen to have a lot of it after all, to gather the logs and planks they would need to build. He kept the spoils near Poem's den so that when she was well enough she wouldn't have to go far to help him craft the raft, or at least supervise. He didn't mind her company, in fact any company at all was hard to come by these days.

Balthier was old enough where the cold wouldn't bother him too much, but young enough he wouldn't want to get caught in a blizzard. And while the spring months came in but the harshest winter still continued on, most wolves tended to stay in their dens or were out on errands to provide for the pack. Allegro himself had to spend more time hunting while prey was scarce. Balthier tried not to let it bother him. His father after all spent all nights with them. But soon they would be big enough to have their own dens, and Balthier couldn't help but feel like he was missing a portion of his life with his mother gone. He almost didn't want to grow up.

With a large cloth his father had brought home for crafting, he walked around the lands of Abaven gathering thick sticks and logs and pulling loose bark off the trees. He put everything on the cloth-tarp to drag it back towards Poem's den to set it in his pile of supplies. The only thing he didn't have was something to hold the raft together. Perhaps Allegro would be able to go out and find rope in the ancient ruins, or maybe some vines off the willow trees.

Walk "Talk" Think

Balthier can be rated a !M! mature character due to alcohol abuse.