
This. Is. Sparta!

Get your Spartans here!


2 Years
03-12-2021, 11:24 AM (This post was last modified: 03-13-2021, 09:13 AM by Dyrk.)
Name: Zosime(meaning Survivor)
Gender: Female
Physical Description: Zosime is a dame of cream and darks. Her physicality is built like most other young women are, a sturdy but still feminine build. She is a feme with looks that could turn heads if she flaunted it, but she doesn't. Her form is wrapped in a creamy brown, its the base of her pelt color and makes up the majority of the color upon her form. The next most prominent color is an off white that touches her underside and the entirety of her face and neck showing a prominence of albinism in her bloodline but on her it is a mere accent. The third color that makes up her pelts markings is a brownish-black that paints the edges of her ears and the streaks along her bodice. Those same streaks house the off white color in the center of them as if a natural war paint was gifted to her upon birth. upon the backs of her ears sets the creamy brown that is her base, and the interior of her ears is the white that marks her bodice. Her eyes are captivating, one a mint green in color and the other a shadow of that but a pastel mint green with a pupil of an even more muted coloration. Her nose flesh also shows her slight albinism, in the way it is more liver colored than black like her paw pads. Upon her face is the marks that are proof of how she earned her name, her right eye rendered blind from the gnarly scars. Her tail is also shortened as a family trait, it bares no mark of removal nor of shortening so it is easily known that she was born with such a nubby tail.
Alignment: Lawful neutral(might change from ic development but gonna start in a more neutral good category)
Skills: Intellect and Fighting
Personality: Zosime is a toughened young girl, a survivor of many things. Her main personality would have you thinking she is a bitch in both senses of the word, but to know her is to know a woman who strives to become a warrior of Sparta. Her body may be seen as a set back as her size is not as massive or muscular as most men but this girl is hard working and when she gets her mind set on something works her ass off to achieve it. Even though she was not born a Spartan, and was brought into their society, she has more than adapted to such a place. She doesn't view the Spartans as captors, but instead as those that saved her when others may not have. They have her loyalty and her heart, they are her family when she has no other. She could not see herself in the future without her Spartan family and allies beside her.
She is however still young, meaning there is still a lot for her to learn, and she is a malleable mind(somewhat). She has always sat through her lessons silently and with determination in her eyes, only asking questions to clarify what she becomes unsure on. She idolizes those that achieve greatness and high ranks in their society, striving to become like them as much as she can. She would defend those she respects with her life if she had to, after all to die a warriors death is the highest of honors she believes one can achieve. She does have a softness to her though that she hides, a love for life that can be seen rarely. She sees it as a weakness to be soft towards anything but your family, so she keeps a firm handle upon her feelings and who and where she shows such things. Some might even say her hardened personality and demeanor gives her "resting bitch face", but really its just a sternness that she keeps a firm grasp on. She is studious and dependable though and prides herself on never missing her lessons and training.
General plans: i want to get back into the roleplay world and hopefully give myself reason to play a character a lot and since i actually love the spartan culture i figured i would apply :3 though i wanna get a rogue pup pass for this girly and start her out as super young but not so young that she's no fun for me. No rape or murder plot for this girl ever, unless icly she is "culled" by the Spartans for whatever reason, this girly is gonna be like one of my most loved characters and one of my only two, since i don't plan on taking on more than two characters for the longest time. maybe some friendships and romance in the far future but i just wanna get her out there and play her some.
Interested in plot?: I'm down for the helot plot or anything with this little kiddo. down to have a twin for this little gal, i wanna pour a lot into this girl since her and Dyrk will be my only two characters for a super long time. I'm not down for blood related siblings unless they might be a twin but I'm ok with an "adopted" family being made for her. if your interested in a twin dm me on discord i have her design without the scars and can edit the eye color to your liking.

Zosime will have Albinism in her bloodline but it is not the prominent feature she shows. she can pass this onto her children, so yay potential albinos in the future and as her siblings if any are adopted out, also shortened tails is a common family feature in her bloodline. I also intend to start her out as a 4-5 month old pup. I had in mind that she was taken in by the Spartans at a very young age and that her family was slaughtered mostly in the crossfire of a spartan war with another clan.