
as we collide



09-16-2013, 08:00 PM
Defenses were extremely important in this situation; tail tucked in close to her stomach, legs spread equally apart, limbs bent, center of gravity lowered, weight evenly distributed across three grounded limbs, toes spread, claws slightly attempting to curve into the soil for better traction, shoulders rolled, head lowered to align with her spine, neck scrunching, chin tucking as much as possible, jaws parting, eyes narrowing and ears pinning back. This was it. Their struggle would be over in a few moments, decided by who had fought the best, and who had been given the best opportunity for success.
Argent?s movements had been continuous, and his mere reposition wasn?t going to stop her. She continued pivoting to her own left, stepping forwards as she did so, even as her jaws clipped into his snout. No, her goal was not his face, it was another head that she wanted. Whether or not she could reach it was another story entirely. She was only mortal after all; skilled, yet still mortal. His right shoulder collided with the outside of her own, the impact somewhat lessened due to her constant movement. The bruising was moderate, but still unpleasant, still a burden upon her. However, her movements would help her avoid the wrath of his jaws. Well, not entirely. They would clip along the outside of her jaw, biting moderate, inch-long lacerations but not attaining a grip and not giving her much pause.
By the time he sought to land upon her, she was out of his reach, dodging his heavy weight and his claw?s attempt to slash into her eye. Argent, too, would rise up from her hind legs, seeking to bring herself perpendicular, hoping to find Gideon?s center and charge. Her hind legs bent, weight transferring into them to adjust for the loss of balance from her front, although not for long. Her front limbs sought to slam down onto Gideon?s back, her jaws hoping to bite into his spine, unprotected for he had neglected to raise his hackles in order to layer the spine with defense. She wanted to make him come crashing down beneath her in submission. She wanted to make him her bitch. Maybe a shot to the balls hadn?t been achievable because of realistic reasons, but she had plenty of time for that if she won.

She was an Avenger, a defender of her pack, and Chrysanthe had bothered to endanger that pack by trying to outnumber them. If she could take Gideon prisoner, then that would help her protect her loved ones. It would give her a bartering chip to bring the russet-kissed alpha into line. Her determination was set, her jaws hoping to deliver a blow that would cripple him enough to knock him out and label him Glaciem property. Her shoulder throbbed with pain, having received most of the hits, but adrenaline took it away. No muscular or tendon damage had been obtained, and thus the area was still fully functional, although once the heat of battle faded Argent would certainly be sore for a few weeks.

DEFENSES tail tucked, three grounded limbs spread apart equally, bending and lowering her body so that she might have a better center of gravity, weight evenly distributed across all grounded legs, toes spread slightly, claws trying to tickle the soil for traction, shoulders rolled as best as possible, head lowered to align with her spine, neck scrunched, hackles raised, chin tucked as closely as possible, face contorted into a snarl, jaws parted when possible, ears pinned back, and eyes narrowed.

ATTACKS continuing her pivoting to her left/motions forwards, she attempts to bring herself to his right side perpendicularly, and raising up onto her hind legs, hoping to slam her weight onto the middle of his back and seeking to bite into his spine.
INURIES: worsened bruising to outside of right shoulder, moderate lacerations to outside of right jaw, moderate bruising to outside of right shoulder, light lacerations to right shoulder, four deep punctures to her right shoulder