
Enemies In The Night

Seasonal Bonus Prompt/Pack Event



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

03-13-2021, 07:11 AM
Indigo was with Cossette when he heard the Aegis call out. Her voice was urgent and Indigo barely had a moment to tell the tiny girl to seek out shelter before he was up and moving on massive limbs. The closer he got to his two year mark the bigger he was. His mane was coming in much mor ethic and now he could tell the hair was growing on his chest and belly, along with the underside of his chin. He couldn’t be completely sure but his teeth and claws had been aching and he figured they were getting close to full length.

He realized as he ran that he would be getting an opportunity to test out these assets. Inigo’s stride was long and ate up the ground towards Resin. He felt his hackles slash mane rise, making his huge self look even bigger. He made his way to the clearing, not the first to arrive but he couldn’t be called late. His bright blue eyes widened with surprise as he caught sight of their opponents. Had he not known better he would have guessed they were his kin. Massive fangs descended from their maws, they were thickly built and even with his mane Indigo wasn’t sure he was bigger than these strange creatures.

Indigo didn’t hesitate any longer and raced to Resin’s side, his teeth bared as he aimed to tag team the cat that had Resin in its sights. A deep growl resonated in his chest as the saber wielding tiger turned its attention to him. A massive paw went for his face and Indigo lunged for the paw, his teeth meeting flesh as he crunched down, breaking toes and letting blood flow into his mouth.

Wc 290

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.