
Strides in the right direction



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
03-13-2021, 11:47 AM

He had never ran so fast to get back to Ashen in his entire life. Viridis and Procella had to use their claws to hang on to his back as he rushed them back to the den, but he didn't care. He was going to go searching with Void and that was all that mattered. As soon as he got the pair of adolescent snow leopards back to his den, set them up with several days worth of dried meats, and made a quick stop by his sister's den just to let her know where he would be - and giving her a promise that he wouldn't be gone long - he ran back to where he had left Void in the northern part of Auster. By the time he got back he was completely out of breath, but he wore a huge, genuine grin on his face. He couldn't remember a single time when he had felt so excited for anything or so unabashed with his emotions. Void was worth every ounce of energy he could offer the Destruction man.

Once he was reunited with Void, they began the renewed search for his missing family members. He suggested that they start combing Auster from top to bottom, whether he had searched a particular area already or not. Plague wanted to make sure they were being as thorough as possible to give them every chance of finding them as possible. If Eulogy was in Auster, Plague was determined to help Void find her. He mainly wanted to see Void happy and relieve this stress that was clearly dragging on him, but he also knew that this was the piece that was holding them back from any of their future desires and plans. If there was something he could do to help tip the scale in their favor then he would be more than happy to do so.

After a long day of working their way through the Bifrost, the Wildberry Grove, the Aspen Dam, and Hermit's Cove, they finally had to call it quits for the day. It was too dark to truly see anything by and his muscles were aching from all of the distance they had traveled. He knew it was most likely just because he was finally getting to spend time with Void without the threat of immediately having to leave him combined with the fact that he was fresh to the search, but he wasn't discouraged at all. Even as they finished out their first day of searching, he was still determined and already looking forward to starting again tomorrow. He brushed against Void's side as the star-marked man led the way toward the camp where they would stay the night, a smile lingering on his features.

Plague | Viridis | Procella