Everyone likes a surprise
03-13-2021, 02:09 PM
Natha filtered out the noise of birds chattering nearby so she could focus on what the General was saying to her. She could hunt the small fluffy creatures later if she felt so inclined. However, Natha was more inclined to save her energy for prey she was more likely to catch such as rabbits. Naiche explained he was working on ways to train and sharpen the warriors and in particular he wanted to deal with sneak attacks. The target in mind was a wolf named Skyfire. Natha wracked her brain for the name but ultimately shook her head. "No, I may have heard the name or seen the face but the two haven't been connected yet for me." She couldn't remember being formally introduced. "But certainly, I can test this wolf for you if you provide me an accurate description." As usual, she got right down to business.