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"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
03-14-2021, 12:34 AM

The paths along the borders of Hallowed land were fast becoming familiar beneath his paws from his frequent patrols. Despite his still recovering status from his two encounters with the unnatural winter wasteland predators, Artorias could not allow himself to get lax in his training. He had to prove to his mother that he was putting all his effort into being the greatest warrior he could be and that he was worthy of carrying their family name. Plus, if any more of those massive predators were lurking around, they had to be ready at a moment's notice. The saber-toothed cats had gotten far too close to the castle for comfort. He was not going to allow that to happen again...

Dense snow and compacted ice crunched beneath his paws while Artorias roamed up near the northern border. Overhead, Corbin flew in graceful swoops and circles, scanning the plains from above. He was thankful that today was a nicer day; no snow was falling, and although the setting sun was still obscured by a dense blanket of heavy clouds it was brighter than days of late. It was still freezing cold, but a gentle breeze had replaced the blizzard-like gales that screamed across the lands from the north. He would have to be getting home soon before his parents began to worry about him again. Art glanced up and peered north, through the thicket of trees that made up the fruit groves at the edge of Auster. He wondered how Boreas was fairing their second winter, how the Armada was holding up... He hoped everyone was safe and weathering the storm all right.

No sooner had his hopes of safety for their family friends left his mind, he heard the screech of a hawk from overhead, panicked and shrill. Artorias snapped his head up to spot a familiar red-tailed hawk making a beeline for the castle. Corbin swooped off to the left and intercepted the hawk midair, gliding beside it for a moment before diving down to Artorias in a hurry. ”Master Artorias! Master Rudyard is under attack in the grove!" he cried out once he came within earshot.

"What?!" Artorias snapped. A desperate cry of terror came from deeper within the wildberry grove then, catching the young male's attention and freezing his blood cold in his veins. Rudy...! Paws kicked up snow as Artorias sprinted past the border and into the snow-covered grove. He ducked and wove his way past icicle-laden branches, shattering patches of ice wherever his paws fell, ignoring the twinge in his hind leg as he ran full-tilt in the direction he'd heard Rudy. His heart was pounding in his chest so hard he thought it might break his ribs. Horrific thoughts of what might be happening to his brother twisted his stomach and urged him on faster, faster! Artorias smelled them before he saw them. Rudy's unmistakable scent tainted with the metallic smell of blood and the rank odor of... Coyotes... he realized, gritting his teeth and barreling towards the sound of snarls and scuffling dead ahead. Even before he emerged upon the battlefield, the young wolf was already drawing his sword from its sheath, ready to hurl himself into hell once more.

A vicious snarl the likes of which he'd never made before erupted from deep within him as Artorias leapt over a rock and burst into clearing where Rudy had made his kill. The blue-furred wolf practically flew through the air towards the scavengers dancing around Rudy, seeing the startled look in one's eyes right before he brought his sword down into the coyote's skull. The solid crack it made resounded around the trees, and although the coyote did not go down right away, it did stun the small predator enough for Art to start a second strike, spinning to bring the blade up into the side of its head with another crack that sent the coyote toppling head over heels across the ice, drops of blood falling from its split scalp. He growled and lunged for a second coyote, but the element of surprise had been lost, and the smaller canine leaped back to avoid a blow from his sword. Artorias positioned himself between the coyote and his brother, paws planted firmly and body held low, ready to spring back into action while he stared the animal down.

"Stay behind me," he instructed Rudy without tearing his gaze from the coyote which had once again tried to start circling the wolves. He knew Rudy was a decent fighter, but right now his brother was hurt, and his only objective right now was to protect him. The first coyote he'd clobbered had stumbled back to its feet, blood dripping from the gash on the side of its head, but looking more angry than anything. It ran straight for Artorias again, leaping at the wolf with snapping jaws aimed for his neck. Artorias caught sight of the coyote from the corner of his eye and pirouetted in place, dodging the coyote's attack while simultaneously bringing his sword into the back of the coyote's head for another solid hit.

The coyote collapsed in a heap with a pained yelp, and just as Art raised his sword for another blow, a searing pain caught him in his hind leg. He growled in response, peering back to see the second coyote biting at his injured leg. While it stung, it was nothing compared to the dire wolf's bite, and Artorias quickly jerked his leg forward, the sudden momentum pulling the coyote off its paws as it could not keep its footing on the icy ground, sliding across the ice and right into range of Artorias' sword, which came down in a powerful blow that sent the coyote tumbling across the ground like he'd hit a home run. He shifted his weight back and forth between his paws, keeping his body in motion, ready to react to the next move the coyotes made and counting on Rudy to watch his back for him.

"Speech" | Thoughts | ”Corbin"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.