




Extra large
03-14-2021, 02:43 PM (This post was last modified: 03-14-2021, 02:46 PM by Poetry.)
The boy peeked from inside his warm den, nosing the covering of the entrance away. The few sun rays that broke through the clouds were bright against the snow, and he immediately had to squint; his nap had been quite wonderful, and he was hesitant to venture out in the deceiving spring day. He stood for a few moments, large ears twitching here and there as he started to shrug the grogginess of his nap off and wake up further. His sisters were either preoccupied or still napping, so Poetry had a rare moment of quiet. As he watched from inside the den, he had to admit that the snow was kind of pretty; it sparkled where the sun landed. He watched it for another moment or two before another thought raced into his mind - where was momma? The boy took a deep breath before he plunged outside, his quiet time swiftly over.

He knew the easiest way to find his mother would be to call for her, but that was something babies did. It was time he start putting his skills to the test, if he were to live up to the great hunters and warriors of the pack! Black nose twitched as he sniffed the air, then bent his neck to sniff the ground instead. He suddenly sneezed, a few loose snowflakes traveling up his nostrils from his great big inhales. He rubbed at his nose with a paw before getting back to business, trying to find his mother's scent among his sisters'. A step this way, then that, and... There! Poetry's lips split into a big grin as he followed his mother's scent as best he could, glancing up constantly to see if he could spot her before she did him. It was quite hard following Poem's trail though, and he wandered off track a time or two. White-tipped tail wagged high in the air behind him as he trodded along, holding back the urge to call out for his mother. He could do this!