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5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
03-14-2021, 11:43 PM

Rudy somehow felt as if he should have just known Art would end up there.  What coincidence had managed to have Art close to him over all their land to patrol at this moment he couldn’t imagine.  Sure, his brother patrolled but they had a large area to patrol and this was past the boundary by a ways also.  Still, it was Art and his brother would never let him down, so even fate had decided to make sure it didn’t happen.  

Rudy put his rump so it faced his brothers, moving to make sure Art was protected.  "Took you a while," said in jest, but for the levity of his words his face remained serious, focus really on the threat at hand.  Blood from his face had fallen over his eye so that the lid was shut which had him constantly turning his head about to keep up with where everyone was.  The leg was injured but he was able to put weight on it, however, it did slow down his movements and that was frustrating him.  The coyotes certainly would think getting to Art’s backside easier than the front right now.  If they could get around back it was an injured wolf they imagined picking off versus the young healthy angry one.

The remaining coyote hesitated about rushing in now and eyeing the carcass again.  The opportunists thinking of going for the meal instead of the more dangerous prey.  One of the ones Art had given a good bashing to on the head was getting up, quite wobbly so that it was doubtful it would get far before collapsing, it was trying to get to the corpse.  It was badly injured, it was also desperate for food.  The spring should have been a time for lots of food to be hunted, but now it was icy and snowy with many animals hiding instead of out and about.

“That’s mine you thief,” Rudy snarled back, “I’ll make you a pelt for one of my sisters!”  Yeah well, him or Art, one of them sure would.  No mangy coyote was stealing his hard work.  Big talk from Rudy hadn’t worked earlier but now the numbers had changed.  Instead of one wolf to three coyotes, it was two wolves and only one coyote.

The coyote glanced from the food back to Rudy in a thoughtful manner.  There was a flecking of grey along its muzzle and a few faded pink scars along its body.  This coyote had seen had lived a long life and had the battle scars to prove his worth.  The pups didn’t want to let him take the meal freely?  That was fine it had been watching them fight the younger coyotes.  Packs with coyotes were tenuous things compared to the bonding of wolves.  

The coyote moved towards the pair and proved its cleverness, it lunged as if to aim for Rudy but he fully expected the sword-wielding wolf to turn to defend.  It had seen how far out the sword could swing and at the speed Art swung it at.  It would attempt to make Art swing and miss then lunge in and out to try and get a fast bite in.  Rudy had turned to face his attacker, but couldn’t lunge in as it would interrupt Art’s swing radius, and defending Art’s back was every bit as important as offensive.  Letting Art be pure offensive made him that much more dangerous to the coyote.
