
We're PIRATES When We are FREE

Pirate Party!


"Ms. steal yo girl"

Raiders Hollow
Very Important Pirate

Master Fighter (258)

Master Navigator (250)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Mammoth HunterIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerOoh La LaDouble MasterPride - Lesbian1KFestival Organizer
Halloween 2020 - Haunted HouseValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
03-15-2021, 08:56 PM

It was finally time. Sparrow found a good clearing in the orchard and hauled all her alcohol to be placed alongside a long log which she had rolled there a few days earlier. The less good alcohol was on the ground in larger buckets while the good stuff was on top of the log in shiny glass jars and things.

Beside that was a skin spread with various bundles of herbs. Many were packed in edible leaves and such. Many were wrapped in marijuana leaves. Sparrow had procured herbs for any occasion, things to relax, things to hype you up, and things to let you walk into your choice of God's domain and claim it as your own... but in a small enough dose that it would probably just make you see bark melting off of trees and funny colors that maybe didn't exist.

The next space held several furs with foods on them. Sweet fruits, fresh fish, smoked fish, and a nice sized carcass of a large deer or elk or moose or... whatever it was. No guest would go without at this party. Pongolo sat atop a branch between the alcohol and herbs so she could tell people what Sparrow had told her about them.

In the larger space, Sparrow had planned on decorating it with flowers, but she had done well to clear the whole area of snow and set up a hefty bonfire. The sun was just setting and the fire crackled and cast dancing lights across the expanse. Off at the edge of the main bonfire, there were smaller fires to light different group gathering spaces, many with a snack and an alcohol or two already set up to be a natural resting place. In the light of the biggest fire atop a tree stump, Friar tuned a tiny lute and began to play one tune, then the next, flowing between them without stopping and if he was honest, a good bit of it was improvised, but it still sounded nice, so whatever.

A large log, cut in half, rested at the other edge of the main bonfire. There, Sparrow had set up two games: a dice betting game, and a nice regular game of spin the bottle. Wolves would be free to come and go throughout the night and she had no doubt the party would last well until the morning. (Please signify at the bottom of your post if you would like to play one or the other) The last booth set up was one by that pretty woman who'd been frequenting Valentine's den. She wanted to set up a kissing booth, so Sparrow let her. Hey, free smooches.

Outside of the main light's fire, a few fresh dens had been dug and a few lean-to areas had been erected. All hosted an adsorbent amount of furs and some protection for any couples who found their way over wayward. Sparrow really had tried to think of everything.

Now that it was all roasty toasty and laid out, Sparrow sent out her call. Now, Pongolo had already invited several members privately, but the call was just for anyone else. The party was open to all loners, Fireside, Abaven, Habari , and some of the friends Sparrow had made along the way- Lynvarr, Jynn, Hana, and Outlaw... and... yup maybe that was it. Other than that, all that was left to do was party and host games- a good time all around!

The Games

  1. Dice rolling- Bet some gems, roll some dice! This game is simple: roll 5 dice and the person who gets the closest to 25 without going over wins! You get to roll 4, then decide if you want to roll the last one. Going over automatically makes you lose! The chip in will vary per round, but starts at 25 gems per round! The winner takes all! Rolling will be done in Discord, so make sure to indicate at the bottom of your post if your char will be playing through the night (you can opt in or out at any time via bottom post text or DMing me on Discord!)
  2. Spin the Bottle- What you think it is! Sign up (signify at the bottom of your post) and we'll spin till everyone's been matched up at least once. YES this means you may have multiple kisses. You can address them in your post, OR make new threads for them! Only kissing is required, but you may take it further if you want, that's what the plush dens are for.

The Booty

Only 1 per char please!

Sparrow has a female Harlequin Macaw named Pongolo and a male Capuchin monkey named Friar, and a hairless mushroom tuxedo cat named Beef Sandwich. She also has cat claws... and some weird leg spike things.