
The Wicked World



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
03-15-2021, 09:38 PM
Spending even one more minute within The Hallow's borders was beyond what he could tolerate. It seemed like his father was impossible to avoid and every where he turned - there he was. It was pretty obvious that his father was trying to spend more time with him, trying to mend things, but Ezra didn't want that. At least... he wasn't ready for that. If anything he wanted the opposite. He wanted his father to leave them again, go looking for their mother and sister, and be more absent during the day like he had been when their mother first went missing. At least when he was doing that Ezra felt like his father actually cared about their missing family members. He hated this turn that Ulric had taken with trying to focus more on him and his siblings that were left in The Hallows... They were fine obviously - his mother and Everlyse might not be.

He stalked out of the pack's claimed lands and started moving toward the most northern portion of Auster where there would usually be all sorts of trees and berry bushes if the weather hadn't taken a turn for the absolute worst. He didn't really have a plan for where he was going or why, he just wanted to get out on his own for a little bit, hopefully out of the prying eyes of his family and pack mates. Except Resin... he'd be okay if she wanted to hang around him, but of course she had a whole pack to run and take care of so he didn't expect her to take time out of her day for him all the time. He frowned as he trudged forward through the snow, Aquila soaring somewhere above him while he silently wished that Resin could have been his parent instead of his father. All of her and Tamsyn's kids seemed so much happier than him and his siblings.

While he was musing and thinking to himself, he completely missed the stranger that was near by until he was maybe a half dozen feet from the young woman who he guessed might have been about the same age as him. He blinked with surprise as he looked up once he finally noticed the unknown scent, his icy blue eyes landing on the very vibrantly colored wolf in front of him. For the most part all the wolves in The Hallows were just more natural colors like gray, black, brown, tan... There certainly wasn't any pink wolves, that was for sure. It made her stand out against the white and brown background of the dead, snow covered forest and ended up drawing him to her more out of curiosity than anything.

"Hey," he said simply as he got a bit closer, giving her a little nod of greeting. He didn't really know what to say to a stranger so he just dug up the first thing that came to mind. "Um... You should probably be careful walking around out here. There was a big group of saber cats that attacked our pack a few days ago." Was that even relevant any more? He knew they had done some patrols to make sure they had chased them all off, but it was all he could think of to say to keep himself from standing there awkwardly.

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