
The memories won't stop

Resin <3


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
03-15-2021, 10:32 PM
Tamsyn had spent the whole day trying to tie up a few loose ends for some projects she had started around the castle. Everything form cleaning up some of the remaining rooms in the castle that they hadn't yet occupied to making the finishing touches on the visitor's wing and even helping Ulric make some changes around the training area he was finishing out in the courtyard. It was nice to be able to check so many little things off of her list and even though none of it was critical or necessary, it still helped her to feel productive when none of them were really venturing far from The Hallow's lands due to the strange and concerning weather. She was grateful that they moved when they did since they were able to stock up on some meats and supplies right after the move before the weather took an even worse turn, but she worried that if the weather didn't begin to lighten up come summer that they would truly be in a tough spot.

With all of her tasks done she made her way back to the impressive room that she shared with Resin. It was getting later in the evening, though not so late that she would assume her mate to be there already. Sure enough, she walked through the doorway and found that it was empty. Since she knew she'd have at least a little bit of time to kill before Resin appeared, Tamsyn collected one of the furs from their bed and made her way to the balcony that looked out toward the ocean. She nudged open one of the two doors that closed off the exterior area and stepped out into the cold night air. She draped the fur across her shoulders and settled onto her haunches to look out toward the steady, peaceful ocean waves. A small smile lingered on her lips just from feeling content in that moment. She knew there were things going on around the pack that should draw out more concern from her - the saber cat attack and whatever drama had stirred around Azariah's disappearance just a couple she could name easily - but for at least a short time she just wanted to enjoy the view and the fact that they had the chance to live somewhere so stunning.

"Tamsyn" | "Blue" | think