
Nowhere To Turn




2 Years

Christmas 2019
03-16-2021, 01:47 AM

Beat watched, already severely protective, as Soul wandered forward at the approach of Twig and Theory. He would have to teach the boy to be more cautious. Not everyone in the world was as nice as the wolves of Abaven. The idea that someone might try to harm the child filled the new father with fury, but he tamped it down. There were things to attend to now.

Theory seemed accepting but he knew they would have to talk things over in detail once the introductions were over. He was still trying to make sense of the whole situation himself. A father. A child. It was still beyond him. The boy would grow up without a mother. Perhaps... he should find a woman and settle down? Someone that would be willing to help raise his son and provide companionship for himself? Ah, it was all so much to think about. One thing at a a time.

Beat's eyes moved to Twig's face. She cried and his brow creased. He knew her. These tears weren't all happy. Concern flooded him and, without realizing it, he moved forward and placed a kiss on his aunt's forehead. They would have things to talk about later as well. What was going on with her?

Looking to Theory and Twig, Beat spoke. "I want to get Soul settled in. Teach him his boundaries for now so that he doesn't get hurt. Show him his new home." This was serious business. He had a child; a life that depended on him to continue. To thrive. "I'm going to get him a companion to help him navigate." That was something that he would have to do immediately. Again he brought his gaze to the two women, blue and purple eyes shifting back and forth between them. "Thank you for being understanding." He was still a little sheepish about the whole situation, but there was no helping it now. He had a son and he would do what he needed to do so that the boy wouldn't have to grow up like he had.

"Chatting." & 'Thinking'
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Aunt Twig may enter any of Beat's threads while he is underage.