
I Can Do Anything With No Permission




1 Year
Extra large
03-17-2021, 06:16 PM

He was about sick of all the snow. It was the equivalent of walking through piles and piles of shit. At least she shit wouldn't threaten to give him frostbite.

The dark bulue man found himself heading farther north in search of Odyssia. He had half a mind to challenge her to a fight once he found her if only for the trouble she was causing him. It was hard to get a plan in motion when you were by your damn self. He could always find something to keep himself busy in the mean time, but working as a unit was going to be their most effective method moving forward. He wanted to learn more about the packs here and the wolves that resided within. Most of all he was ready for some fighting. He was beginning to feel an itch to have a good old fashioned brawl. He just had to find a worthy opponent. Half pints like the man he'd run into a while ago certainly weren't his idea of a good fight. It seemed like that's all this foreign land had so far were shrimps.

He traveled along the frozen riverside with the tree line to his left. It was .... annoying that even the river hadn't escaped the extended winter's wrath. The thought of fishing had gone out the window immediately. Instead a freshly killed rabbit hung limply from his jaws. The wolves weren't the only things having a hard time scavenging for food. Every animal was struggling with the confusing weather.

He stopped dead in his tracks as he spotted a pink wolf ahead of him about 100 feet away. He'd failed to scent her sooner due to the scent of blood from the rabbit he had shoved in his jaws. His nose crinkled as he observed that she was still a pup. Almost a yearling, but still young enough that there was a potential that parents wouldn't be too far away. He couldn't think of anything worse than a bunch of overprotective parents coming for his head just for even looking at the girl. He rolled his eyes as the thought. It was best just to try and skirt around her before she, or anyone else, noticed he was even there. He wanted to enjoy his meal in peace.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Rhaegath is not friendly! Most (if not all) of his posts will be rated M for the ridiculously foul mouth he has. Thread with him at your own risk (cause half the time even I don't know what he's gonna do.)