
The memories won't stop

Resin <3



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
03-18-2021, 01:02 AM

Evening had come and darkness was slowly taking over the world. The sun's stay on earth was getting a little longer every day, but it didn't really matter when the days were so very frigid. Daily, she had been hunting. Herds that had usually stayed within the northern regions had drifted to Auster in search of less snow and more food. Their stores were full of elk and horse and many other hoofed beasts. They didn't have to worry about their food going back either. Everything taken below froze solid. Resin was confident that they would make it through whatever this mess was with the food that she and Rudyard brought in, but they were in desperate need of some more hunters. Just another thing to add to the list of leaderly worries.

It was slowly becoming windy with a gust here and a gust there. A promise of more snow hung in the air. With the wind came a bitterness that made everything that it touched miserable. The Aegis had instructed everyone inside. Patrols for the night could be cancelled. They would watch from inside the castle just in case they were ambushed. After making sure that there was wood in all of the communal fires within the castle, Resin made her way upwards towards the wing that she shared with her family. Despite the castle having stood for ages and being built of stone, the corridors in particular seemed rather drafty. The periodic, screaming wind beat at the walls and Resin could feel her fur ruffle. She hurried the rest of the way, eager to settle down beside a fire and rest.

Arriving at the chamber that she shared with Tamsyn, Resin pushed inside, closing the old door behind her and placing a block of wood against it to hold it closed. She wasn't surprised to see Tamsyn there already. The smaller fae was usually there to greet her lover at the end of the night. The ashen fae's eye scanned the space before she realized that Tam was sitting outside on the balcony. Was the woman crazy? She had a fur draped around her, but Resin wanted nothing more than to drape herself around her mate in front of the fire. Moving to the open doorway, the maned woman rumbled, "You're going to catch your death out there, Tamsyn Carpathius." Resin gently, and somewhat jokingly, chided her woman.


[Image: GreYdcM.gif]