
Holding On, But Just Barely

Ásvor, Alfrún



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
03-18-2021, 10:10 AM (This post was last modified: 03-18-2021, 11:05 AM by Ásvor. Edited 1 time in total.)
No one else came to join her as Naudir called, and part of her was grateful for this. She settled down on her haunches as Naudir began to speak. It was difficult to shake the feeling that she was looking her sister in the eye, despite the woman's obvious age, until she explained who she was. Halla Finnvi, daughter of Naudir and thus her very own niece. The introduction brought as much light as did her following words bring her sadness. Ásvor had always struggled with the fact that she hadn't seen many of her siblings in her older years and thought of them often, and fondly.

"I'm sorry to hear of her passing, and your loss," her own voice betrayed her genuine sadness at the news. "But I have no doubt is celebrating in Valhalla as we speak." She'd been thinking of death and the afterlife quite a bit lately and though news of Naudir's passing brought grief, she knew they could not dwell on it for too long. She had lived a good long life and Ásvor could only hope her final days had been beautiful; that was all she wanted for herself, at least. "As we too should celebrate. I'm glad to see you, Halla. You're welcome here. Come, rest from your journey," she encouraged her with a tilt of her head to the side. There were few things Ásvor cared to fight for now but her family would always be one of those things, and she had no doubt Halla would be welcome here in Fireside if she so chose, for however long.