
The memories won't stop

Resin <3


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
03-19-2021, 12:54 AM
The cold nipped at her face and nose and seeped in from where she was sitting on the cold stone, but she couldn't help but stare out at the huge sky full of stars. The view was absolutely dazzling as the deepest of the dark night began to set in and revealed all of the glittering lights that dotted the sky, the moon casting everything in a cool light. Despite the fur she held tightly around herself the frigid weather was starting to sink into her bones, but she didn't think of moving until she heard the door to their room open and then close again, giving away Resin entering the space. Tamsyn smiled before she even looked back over her shoulder at her mate, her mint eyes finding the scarred woman easily.

Her teasing would have made her grin anyway, but hearing Resin use her full name - Tamsyn Carpathius - made her beam happily like little else could. It was a something that she was still getting used to and it made her heart soar each time she heard it. "But just look at this view," she replied, looking back up at the sky for a moment. She sighed happily and smiled, ignoring the cold for just a moment longer so she could soak in the stunning constellations before she finally gave in and got up to come inside. It was admittedly drastically warmer within the bedroom and as soon as she closed the door to the balcony she was happy that she had given up the view in favor of coming back in to be with Resin, but it did make her look forward to warmer weather even more.

She leaned up give Resin a kiss, grinning up at her with love shining in her gaze. She wasn't entirely sure what had put her in such a good mood, but she certainly wasn't going to let it go to waste. Now that all of their children had their own rooms and privacy was a thing they could enjoy once again she found herself craving that affection and attention more and more. "There, I've escaped the deadly clutches of the cold yet again," she teased in return with another grin, chuckling softly as she turned to head toward the fire that burned on one side of the room. She slid the fur off of her back in front of it and laid down across it, stretching out on her side. Tamsyn looked back over her shoulder at her mate, giving Resin a little grin as she waited for the Aegis to join her.

"Tamsyn" | "Blue" | think