
Enemies In The Night

Seasonal Bonus Prompt/Pack Event



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
03-20-2021, 04:39 AM (This post was last modified: 03-20-2021, 04:42 AM by Resin. Edited 2 times in total.)

Pain seared through the Aegis' hip as the claws of a cat ripped into her flesh. She regretted not having worn her bracers. Her armor as well, but the bracers with their attached steel claws would have helped tremendously. The only weapon that she had aside from her wits and her size were the serrated teeth nestled between powerful jaws. Jaws which were currently locked around the face of a big cat. No one ever expected a bite to the face and that was the reason that Resin did it so often. Predator, prey, enemy, it didn't matter. If they were deserving of her teeth, then she would use them to the fullest extent.

Within her jaws, the cat squealed. It placed its paws against the ashen woman's chest and pushed, trying to dislodge itself from her grasp. The attempt was futile as there was no way that Resin was letting go. The sabertooth tried throwing itself to the ground, but that didn't work either. It merely forced the giant warrior to press her weight down upon it. Sinking her claws into the ground on either side of the cat for stabilities sake, Resin used the thick muscles in her jaws to squeeze tighter and tighter. She could hear the squeak and squelch of the feline's skull as it gave way beneath her power. Bones cracked as she obliterated the eye sockets of the skull. If the cat had been panicked before, it was a flurry of pain and fear now. Mercy was Resin's middle name, however. The cat, now unable to see, backpedaled. Releasing her hold, Resin only needed to dip beneath the blind feline's chin and bite into its throat to end its suffering and its life.

She hadn't forgotten the cat that had sliced her hip, but when she turned to face it, another of her pack had already engaged the beast. They had heard her call. One after another, the wolves of The Hallows rallied behind their Aegis. They would defend their home and Resin herself would fight to the death to protect each and every one of them. Sacrifice was never a question. If it was necessary, it was something that she was always prepared to do. Any good leader would place themselves in harms way to protect those within their care. It was their duty. It was their right.

From the corner of her eye, Resin noted a second cat sneaking up on Indigo. Shifting her position, the maned fae released something akin to a roar as she surged forward, slamming her chest hard against the side of the cat to send it rolling over the snowy ground. In an instant, she was upon it, teeth sinking into its throat and chest. Whipping her head back and forth, the woman ripped out great furrows of flesh and the cat soon bled out.

Just as she had slammed into the cat, another slammed into her. Resin went rolling through the snow, coughing and sputtering as she fought to find her paws. A rather large sabertooth was upon her, trapping the woman against the ground. Resin actually yelped as the rapiers within the cats mouth pierced her scarred shoulder and neck. They were dangerously close to hitting something vital and she needed to act fast. Planting her front and hind paws against the underside of her attacker, Resin pushed and she pushed hard. Sabers were ripped from her flesh as the cat was sent flying. Pain gave way to rage and the Aegis' singular vision ran red. She didn't even remember rising or rushing the cat, but she did remember the feel of its hot blood jetting into her mouth and across her face. She didn't stop there. The incensed canine decimated her fallen foe and for a moment, the old wolf became what she had once been in her prime. The side of herself that she was careful to keep locked away had risen to the surface just as it had when she had shredded Tamsyn's brother into little bits of flesh and fur.

Damage taken from then on was felt very little. An attacking foe pulled Resin from her task of erasing her deceased enemy. Acting on instinct and bloodlust, she was a flurry of teeth. She brought death to everything within her path. More than once she almost attacked a packmate, but held enough of her mental faculties to direct her madness elsewhere.

How many had she killed? How many more would come before this fight would be over? Would the enemy realize that they had been beaten or would they continue to come until every last beast was brought low and eradicated? Dispatching yet another striped beast, Resin stood over it, paws rested upon the barrel chest of its fallen form. When another for didn't immediately present itself, the woman decided to do what she could to strike fear into the rest of them. Raising her blood soaked muzzle to the sky, the Aegies of The Hallows released a long, low, blood curdling howl. No matter whether one spoke wolfen or not, the sound of victory was universal. All who heard it would know that the wolves had won the day. The felines, what was left of them, would think twice about showing themselves near the castle again. If they had any wits in their thick skulls, they would tuck tail and run back north where they'd come from.

With the influx of enemies tapering down to a mere trickle, Resin moved across the battlefield, dispatching any that might have been working their way towards death. Her ire had burned to embers and she was in possession of herself once more. Though the cats had attacked them, she would not allow them slow deaths. Those that turned and ran would be allowed to do so. Those stupid enough to stay would walk headfirst into doom. The wolves of The Hallows would not be stopped. They could not and would not be defeated.


Coding|Alice. Art|Resin.

Total- 5448
[Image: GreYdcM.gif]