
Everything has a place


The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
03-20-2021, 11:42 AM
Despite the very painful and tattered state her brother was in, he somehow still managed to get in a quip about how bad the herbs tasted and she couldn't help but roll her eyes at him. Well, no matter how bad of a shape he looked like he was in, that at least told her he was going to be alright. She quietly focused on her work, her ear flicking in his direction when he made a comment about having to protect their home. She didn't know if it made it any better hearing a reasoning for letting himself get into this state and she tried to resign herself to the fact that she didn't really get to decide why the wolves she treated got into the trouble they did. She just had to be ready and knowledgeable on how to treat them whenever the situation called for it. "Well... I'm glad you're okay," she commented quietly after a few moments, genuinely relieved that he had managed to make it out of that situation and find his way back to the castle. She was also grateful that Eilwen had woken her up so she could get to him right away. There were plenty of excellent healers in The Hallows that could have helped and she knew she was probably one of the least qualified among them, but at least she had been able to start getting him patched up as soon as possible rather than him having to hunt around the castle for one of the others.

When he reacted so strongly to her cleaning the wound on his leg she quickly pulled back, looking up toward his face with her ears folded back. Getting the right amount of pressure to effectively clean the wound while not pressing too hard was difficult to judge and she hated that her trial and error needed to be done on her brother. She frowned when he insisted that she keep going, that he could bear it and she gave a little shake of her head. "No, no, lets... Lets work on dressing your cheek while the meadowsweet kicks in to help with the pain," she replied, slipping the wet cloth off of her paw and abandoning that project for now. She knew it still wouldn't be super pleasant even after the pain killer fully took effect, but it would at least be slightly better.

She returned to sitting near his head and started pulling the supplies she needed for the cuts closer. She picked up small pieces of marshmallow, marigold, and dandelion root with her mouth and started chewing the leaves into a paste before returning it to the bowl she had carried the herbs over here in. "This might sting for a minute, but it'll feel a lot better once it settles in," she warned him before she got to work. Gwyn leaned down over him and started carefully and gently spreading the paste into the freshly cleaned cuts, being very careful to not directly rub her paw pad against the raw skin directly - instead just hovering slightly over the wound so that the paste could spread across the skin on its own. She only used just enough to cover the cuts since she knew she was going to need a good amount of the paste to treat the larger wound on his leg once she finally got around to that and herbs were very hard to come by these days.

Once the herbs were in place she cleaned the remnants off of her paw and set that bowl aside before reaching for the horsetail she had brought over as well. She quickly crushed the tubular plant down into a sticky goo and started smearing it across the cuts to seal them and keep them clean while they began to heal - and to keep the medication on the open skin long enough for it to really be effective. "We'll have to reapply all this stuff in a couple days until the cuts start to heal up on their own," she informed him while she worked, already thinking ahead to future treatments for the wounds. Maybe she'd have to figure out a way of getting larger amounts of that medicated paste ready ahead of time and storing it some how... The healers had worked on an ointment the last time they met so maybe she could make something like that.

"Gwynevere" | "Eilwen"