
I Hope It's Gonna Be A Long One




6 Years
Chrono I

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3ScarredPride - DemisexualDouble MasterSnake Eyes
03-20-2021, 12:10 PM

Viper had went in the direction to grab Chimera for another hunting trip as she had the last time, by paying a trip to his island. One of his mastiffs would again come to meet her, and she would only look down for a quick grin before the dog went off to fetch Chimera. She was honestly looking forward to the next time they would hunt together by the time they returned to Ashen and went their separate ways. But she didn't have the urge to visit him at any other times of the day, not that she wasn't thinking about him often. But she didn't understand this different feeling she was feeling about the brute, it was something new to her and wasn't exactly sure how to react or explore the feelings. She almost wanted to ignore them, scared to see where it would take her.

Viper waited for Chimera's company just off the bridge he had built for his island, surprisingly allowing him that kind of seclusion. Usually she wouldn't worry about that so much, but for some reason she felt it was space that he needed. Once they had had united, Viper would stop by the shrine to pick up supplies that she had prepared as well as a netted material she was borrowing from Hattori. She grabbed a pile of sticks she had sharpened into spikes and placed them on the net to transport them to their hunting location.

When they arrived to the willows, she dropped the supplies while she went forward and sniffed around, scouting a location and size for the pit they would dig. This would take a little more time than the last pit, but at least they were exploring their options to what kind of method was best for them, or their favorite. She'd start to dig down to make haste, she was starting to feel like she was taking up Chimera's time as if he didn't want to be there with her, even if it didn't appear that way.

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