
The memories won't stop

Resin <3


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
03-20-2021, 05:05 PM
Tamsyn smiled softly as she waited for Resin to join her, watching the beautifully imperfect woman as she crossed the room with an extra fur for them to share should the cold creep in on them during the night. Perhaps not everyone would would see the Aegis with her missing eye, numerous scars, and battle worn body and think of her as beautiful, but nothing was more perfect to her. Even though she loved this pack they had built and she enjoyed having a hand in its destiny, she was secretly looking forward to the days when she could have Resin all to herself. She knew that her mate's aches and pains only continued to get worse and as much as she wanted to alleviate those things she couldn't be the one to tell Resin it was time to retire. The warrior had to make that decision herself.

Once Resin settled in beside her, Tamsyn relaxed into her larger form and grinned as her foreleg wrapped around her and pulled her close. She rolled to face her lover within her grasp, resting her head on the warm fur with their noses nearly touching. She chuckled softly and her front paws came to rest on Resin's chest while her mint eyes found Resin's single amber eye. For a moment she was just quiet while she enjoyed Resin's embrace and played with the fur that wove its way between her claws and paw pads. She began to think about how far they had come, all the changes they had made, how her past had led to this moment, and how much her mate had played a role in that journey. Yet despite all of that time and all of the events they had shared, there was still so much about Resin's past she didn't know. Unlike Tamsyn, Resin had lived a full, eventful life before they had met. She knew bits and pieces, but there were gaps and stings that she didn't know that would tie those pieces together.

"What was your family like?" she asked after a while, her gaze curious. "You said they ruled a mountain range and what positions your parents held, but not much else."

"Tamsyn" | "Blue" | think