
need you to stay


09-17-2013, 09:42 AM

racing shadows in the moonlight, through the desert on a hot night

The words that spilled from Liste's maw were more beautiful than Angeal could have hoped to explain. It was like a final piece had fallen into place, one he hadn't even been aware that he'd been missing. For a moment, everything was pure and perfect and he was hit by a single thought; This must be what heaven's like. He could imagine nothing happier than the words that echoed in the air. I love you. They were so short, but they meant so much.

A smile crossed his maw as Angeal moved to nuzzle Liste adoringly; "Oh, Liste. I love you too. More than I could ever hope to describe." He loved her. It wasn't anything he hadn't known before, but it was the first time that he had let those words been spoken. Perhaps it was cowardly to wait until Liste said it first, but Angeal hadn't wanted to chase her away. He couldn't imagine a life without her, and hadn't his mother always told him not to move too quickly? Gillian had given him more wisdom than all of his training, and he trusted the wolfess that had raised him implicitly.

Her advice had never lead him wrong. And right here, right now, everything was perfect. This as perfect.
