
Enemies In The Night

Seasonal Bonus Prompt/Pack Event



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
03-21-2021, 11:09 PM
Before he could make much progress on fighting his way through the crowd of saber toothed felines toward Resin, he heard a familiar avian screech and it made him freeze in place, his gaze darting back over his shoulder to see Ezra running out of the castle with the eagle he kept with him flying just over his head - one of the attacking cats chasing his son out into the courtyard. His silver gaze spotted the limp to the feline's gait and the ripped portion of its leg from a bite clearly given to it by Ezra, but that didn't stop him from snarling with a rolling growl as he leapt past a big cat that tried to swipe at him to barrel toward the one chasing after Ezra. He reached the feline within moments and slammed his broad chest into its shoulder, sending the already hobbled cat tumbling into the snow. He threw his weight onto the feline, his large paw pressing into its throat and leaving it to sputter and struggle under him. One of its paws swung and connected with his face on his already scarred cheek, narrowly missing his eye and leaving a trail of deep cuts through his skin. It made him grunt against the pain and pulled another deep growl from his chest.

Before he could retaliate, Ezra reappeared in the corner of his vision and suddenly the saber cat's yowls of pain filled the air as his son's teeth connected with its neck. Ulric acted quick to pin down one of its legs with his free paw and bit the ankle of the other before it could try to claw at Ezra to get him off, but moments later Ezra jerked his head back and the feline soon fell limp under him as his son's dangerous teeth did the job of shredding the intruder's throat. He looked up at Ezra with a proud nod before quickly turning his attention to the rest of the attackers. There would be more time to dwell on it later, for now they needed to finish the job that had been started.

Soon he heard Resin's reverberating howl and even as he continued to fight any saber cat he could get his teeth into, he could already sense their fight waning and spotted a few escaping through the castle gates. He killed another and another before he was able to finally look around and struggle to find another opponent. The ranks of the pack had truly come out in mass to help their Ageis and defend their pack and for that he was proud. The courtyard was covered in blood, but as he looked around at his pack mates he could safely say that not much of it was spilled from them. There were some wounds that would need to be tended to, including their own, but the attacking felines certainly got the worst of it.
