
Do I Turn You On




6 Years
Chrono I

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3ScarredPride - DemisexualDouble MasterSnake Eyes
03-22-2021, 12:51 PM

Viper relaxed as he did, her body loosely beside him as he found relief. She was still not aware of what led him to want to do this, or what he had done just prior to this time they shared right now. And her mind was spinning over exactly what they had just done. This was sex, this was what Jupiter told her about. This is what he had wanted to do with her originally before she messed everything up. How could she be so stupid? Her thoughts of Jupiter soured her own aftermath. It wasn't necessarily that this could have been her and Jupiter, but more like he could have done this and she would have done fine at the task. Chimera seemed to like it. And it made her resent Jupiter more thinking that he didn't want her. Not that she wanted to be with him anymore. The feelings she once had and the feelings she had now were becoming clear, even if not completely yet.

Chimera would stir in preparation to leave, she rose to a laying up position beside him. "Chimera." Her voice addressed him like she had many things to say, but she wouldn't. Instead, her gaze stayed up at his massive form, like she was trying to tell him what was on her mind without actually telling him. But that was impossible. He couldn't possibly understand all the things running through her head from her past. Her insecurities she didn't let anyone know, and she didn't want him to know either. She didn't want to say anything to upset him, she didn't want him to not want her like they had just done.

Her head laid back down to the cold surface of the shuffled snow they had pounded. Unfortunately she didn't have a den for him to come back to, but that wasn't really on her mind. It appeared she wasn't the type that wanted to be in Chimera's embrace the whole night. If he wanted to bone and leave that was fine with her too, not that she preferred it. She loved the feeling of his body against hers, in the sexual act or not. It filled her with something that felt lost when she discovered it. She wasn't a little prissy girl though, and she wouldn't go home crying because he didn't give her a kiss goodnight.

"Chimera" -- "Viper"