
Let you down

for Theory



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
03-22-2021, 02:31 PM
Though worries about Ignis and what harm he might try to enact upon Abaven definitely plagued his mind, he too had been preoccupied. Coping with the loss that he and Twig had shared had taken up a good bulk of his energy, both emotional and physical, and only now was he beginning to slowly return to normalcy - or some semblance of it, at least. His feelings weren't something he'd shared with anyone else though. With all the good news that had been flourishing within Abaven he didn't have it in him to share their loss with anyone else; it didn't feel fair. The last thing he wanted was for anyone to feel badly about what they'd experienced. He felt like Twig and himself had grieved enough for the whole pack, no one else needed to shoulder their pain.

The sound of Theory's voice drifting over the plains jerked him abruptly out of his thoughts, so abruptly that for a moment he forget what he'd been doing at all. Ah, yes. Patrolling. He swung around to greet her slowly, offering a faint smile. "Theory," he greeted her softly, slowing for a moment before redirecting himself to continue his path, just a bit more slowly than before. "No, not really. Same old... stuff." Theory had a way of pulling out all the feelings he tried keeping locked deep inside without even trying, and already he felt a sharp wave of grief wash over him. His voice betrayed that something was wrong, even if he couldn't quite bring himself to say it. He should've known he wouldn't be able to hide it from her, not forever - but how busy she'd been had made it easier to avoid talking to her directly until now.