
The Wicked World



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
03-22-2021, 10:13 PM
Ezra was genuinely surprised when she informed him that she didn't have a family - saying it was just her and her father. That concept was as interesting to him as him having a family was to her since everyone he knew had at least some kind of family. All the other pups in the pack he had grown up with were all one big family with Resin and Tamsyn and everyone else if they didn't live with their family currently they had some kind of story about them. They weren't always good stories, but there was some sort of family to talk about so he didn't know what it would even be like if it was just him and his father.

Before he could ask or explain anything else, Aquila's warning had her offering to run and hide with him. He grinned and laughed at the offer at first, but his expression dropped when he heard his father's voice calling out through the trees behind him. "Ezra! Ezra!" He groaned and rolled his eyes glancing back over his shoulder for a moment while Aquila chittered over his head. "You know what, maybe we should," he commented quickly as he looked back at Relm and scrambled to his paws, running off through the bushes and trees to the other side of the grove. The black and chestnut eagle took off as well with a screech, wheeling through the air before soaring off in the opposite direction to lead Ulric the wrong way.

Ezra ducked into a thick cluster of trees and bushes with Relm once he put a bit of distance between himself and his searching father. He held his breath and hunkered down to hide, giving her a glance before peeking out to look for Ulric. A couple minutes went by before he spotted the massive male trotting through the trees, seemingly following the false trail Aquila had laid for him. He watched Ulric hesitate and begin to turn toward them for a moment and Ezra quickly ducked back down into the bushes. Ulric's gaze scanned over where they were hiding but another cry from Aquila pulled his father's attention and he trotted off toward the sound. Once Ulric was out of sight, Ezra sighed and let go the breath he was holding before crawling out the brush and giving himself a good shake.

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