
disloyal thoughts.


07-29-2013, 12:54 AM

Speak of the devil and she shall appear.

Of course it would be the one wolf he wasn't looking forward to seeing. She'd snatched away his position, and if she hadn't already, she certainly would soon. The female didn't look as if she'd meant to interrupt his leisure time and said as much. Tyberius noted that she had a limp as well, a slight one that was just barely noticeable. He lifted his head from its resting place but didn't attempt to rise to his feet, his green gaze trained on the white fea.

He was amused that she'd actually sought him out. Earlier, he had taken great care to hide himself from passersby, so he knew that she wanted something before she'd even spoken. Her words irritated him. In a way, her manner of speaking reminded him of his brother's. Spare me, he thought, suppressing the growl of displeasure that threatened to rumble in his chest. She was hoping that they could share information and get to know one another. He kept himself from rolling his eyes as he contemplated how to answer. Maybe he could use her to get information. Maybe he'd feed her all the wrong things. It all depended on how he felt at that very moment. "Alena, he said, dipping his head in acknowledgement of her much-unwanted presence. Feigning politeness, he said, "I wouldn't mind that at all. What do you need to know?" His imitation of his brother fell flat in his eyes, although he wasn't really trying all that hard. He didn't care if she could see through him. He'd just try again later.

Feeling as if he were at a disadvantage by remaining lying down, he shuffled himself into a sitting position. His tail was wrapped loosely around his haunches, revealing the scarred stump. He didn't care much at all, really. She would leave soon enough. He'd just have to try to keep his sarcastic tongue in check until then. She could be useful. I don't think I can sway her to my 'side' of things but I can plant ideas in her head, maybe. Or, maybe she'll just hear my information and find the job too trying... but that would be too easy.

TAG: alena! . WORDS: 372 . NOTES: he should never have it. xD