
Holding On, But Just Barely

Ásvor, Alfrún



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
03-23-2021, 12:38 PM
She was glad that in the absence of Naudir she got to meet Halla; at least on the surface she seemed to be a spitting image of her mother, something that was comforting following the news she'd brought her. "I hadn't seen my sister for many years," she admitted gently. She remembered the day like it'd been just a few moons ago, not many years. They'd spoken of how they were both feeling restless regarding their future and where it might lead them. They'd wanted to stick together, the two of them and Alfrún and Taufr and Ræsa. Unfortunately the latter two she hadn't seen since even before her last meeting with Halla, but she was grateful life had led her back to Alfrún - and now Halla. "But I'm glad to hear she went out valiantly. I would expect no less from my siblings," Ásvor responded, allowing herself a small smile through the sadness the news brought her.

But she knew death was not something to only mourn. It should be celebrated too. It'd be good to introduce Halla to Ulfr too and allow him a chance to learn more of her family and where she'd come from. "I've been with these wolves for quite awhile. I settled down to be with my wife, Valdis. We're raising a son together," she explained briefly. Settling here, following this group - it'd been Nienti and then Legion - had mostly been Valdis's decision but she had happily followed her, certain as she grew older that this was where she was meant to be. With Valdis and Ulfr, wherever life took them she cared not. "Let me bring you to meet them. Then we can discuss how you'd like to celebrate, if at all."