
big pawprints to fill



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
03-23-2021, 01:04 PM (This post was last modified: 03-29-2021, 03:43 PM by Ásvor. Edited 1 time in total.)
Ásvor hadn't yet gotten to know the youngest of Fireside's members. Though she'd gotten experience raising a son of her own, quite unexpectedly, she wasn't exactly a huge fan of children in general... if she was being perfectly honest. Actually, she wasn't a fan of most wolves, though her fellow Fireside members were an obvious exception. For the well-being of her family she would choose to tolerate even wolves she disliked here, and in her stubborn old age she didn't exactly find a need to break out of her comfort zone and get to know all the wolves within the pack. She did her job here and she did it well, and beyond that she was content with the state of affairs here.

She hadn't meant to stumble into one of Fireside's youngest but she was scouting the borders today and he happened to cross her path. Her movements were slow, finding herself stiff when she first woke in the morning, especially with the never-ending winter. Getting herself moving was about the only thing that helped, and she found herself longing for warmer weather to help ease her ailing joints. The snow crunched beneath her paws as she moved, continuing her trek, veering closer to Ysmir's path. She let out a little bark of greeting as she approached the giant boy in greeting. "Morning. Ysmir, isn't it?" Even if physically she was growing slower and less capable - though she wouldn't let that stop her from participating in raids as much as any younger wolf - her mind was still as sharp as ever. There was little she missed, at least when she cared to pay attention.