

w Zo



3 Years

Trick 2019
03-23-2021, 01:53 PM (This post was last modified: 03-23-2021, 01:55 PM by Eir. Edited 1 time in total.)
Eir has stuck in Asuter, wanting to explore it as much as she could, just to satsify her never ending hunger for exploring the unknown, for seeing the unexplored, those lands stil to find. Her nomadic blood was far from dissaparing even with many years now since leaving her birth band. Why else blood had so much weight on a wolf's life? Or atleats in her own it did, as after leaving Lirim a long time ago she's been alone and it was fine. Yes, Torin used to be the closes to a family she ever had in so long but she had to move on, just like she was taught to from her parents. Life wasnt about havong only happy endings only, sometimes it coukd be harsh and one just had to move on and keep living and that was what she was doing.

She navigated through the trees, hearing the cascade in the distance. Calmly as she walked, she allowed her emerald eyes to explore the woods that were all cedar trees, a rare tree that it seemed here was quite abundant. The scent was of that, woodland and so pure, the terrain felt mossy. But the coldness made it a bit too cold on her paw pads but it was fine. There she approached the waterfall some of it half-frozen but not completely. Calmly she knelt a bit to reach the water from the creek, hoping to have a quick drink before continuing her explorations.

Once done, she stood up and kept up with her walk, without rush in her pace.


[Image: pixel_eir.png]

Eir wears a Santa Claus' coat that has the typical red,white and black colors. She wears it all the time.