
the thrill of the hunt


07-29-2013, 08:04 AM


and i ran, i ran so far away

Aria returned soon with the herbs, but her arrival and words were barely noticed by the ebony she wolf. Liste stood stock still, her mind racing but her body barely moving save for the heaving of her chest as she took deep breaths in and out. How foolish she had been to believe that her nightmares would end with the acquisition of a family and friends. She cursed her stupidity as her eyes scanned the area, the frantic worry she felt only showing in her beautiful golden orbs.

It was foolish of the beta to challenge the male. Liste knew this, but could not bring herself to tell them her fear and what she believed they were facing. Had he emerged to face them, they all would've suffered the fate of death, but he didn't. Instead he fled. Perhaps he had only been another figment of her imagination. Doubtless there had been a wolf there, but had it truly been her father? Liste took a moment to question her sanity, but she knew it was in vain. There was little question that it had been him - the scent was too strong, too distinct. There had been no mistake in her judgment.

She shook herself to clear her thoughts long enough to respond to Ramelia's concerns. The fear in her eyes was replaced with a neutral glow, her voice without all shakiness. She would not let her pack mates know what she feared. No one could interfere with this, no one's blood would be on her hands. He was coming for Liste and Liste alone. She smiled and shook her head lightly. I don't think he'll need tracking, seems like it was just a curious wolf who decided he was a little too shy. But it is, of course, your decision Aria. She paused in her words before responding again to Ramelia. I'm fine, I think the movement of standing when I caught the scent was too quick after all of the stress I put my body through with that bobcat. I just need to head back and rest. I'll see you both later! She shot them one last grin before turning and jogging off into the trees. Once she was out of the line of sight, she broke into a sprint. She did all she could to keep from breaking down then and there.

-exit Liste-

Tagged: Aria, Ramelia