
In the Moor




Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

5 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-24-2021, 09:26 PM
Despite the biting chill to the air, there still was a pep to the russet brindle girl's step as she trotted deeper in to the moor that belonged to Valhalla. Laoise was in good spirits, not that such a thing was rare for the young woman, but for some reason today was particularly up lifting. The sky was clear and a stunning shade of blue and the bright afternoon sun nearly sparkled on the snow covered ground. Lee's paws crunched softly on the snow as she finally slowed to a walk, her nose on the ground as she sniffed the snow for any hints of herbs that might have been frozen below. She had a theory that at least some herbs could still be useful frozen, just like their meat could still be eaten when frozen and she wanted to see if she was right. Maybe she could have just asked one of the more wiser and skilled healers in the pack but what was the fun in that? She liked to work for her answers Finally her sensitive nose caught scent of a familiar plant and the girl stopped and started to carefully move the snow away. She did not know what she expected to find but it was obvious to any passerby, the young wolf was intent on something. Moments after careful digging the girl uncovered the dandelion and she nearly gave a yip of joy.

But as she leaned in closer to inspect the frozen plant, she could tell it would not be any use by the nearly black coloration and frostbite to its shriveled leaves. Lee gave a deep sigh and sat back on her haunches, her sapphire ringed blue eyes staring at the browned herb as her mind worked. Maybe too much tine has passed for it to be useful even frozen. she thought to herself, remembering the time she had tried to save a small piece of meat at the beginning of the season but had forgotten about it until she had found it again. It certainly did not agree with her stomach after she ate it. So lost in her musing the young woman almost missed a new scent in the crisp air and she blinked once when she finally registered the scent of a stallion. She scanned the moor around her, at first wondering why a horse would travel deep into a wolf territory but when she finally spotted the massive animal, she grinned brightly. The stallion's bright white fur and long horn was a dead give away to the new member her mother had accepted into the pack. Laoise released a bark of greeting to get the stallion's attention and her tail wagged in the snow behind her, loving the idea of some company to share the beautiful day with.