
Never seen anything that green....


3 Years
07-29-2013, 09:21 AM
A vampire? or a victim?
It depends on whose around
Oh, freedom
Nearly three seasons old, he was nearing his eight month and slowly growing into himself. The boy was still a wretch, an ugly mixture of feelingless flesh and bone. As the behemoth and his family traveled further south, away from the mountains that had numbed his black heart, he followed. They were all he truly had it seemed. Holding onto Silana was hard, the silent girl had a tendency to slip away unnoticed and he had little way to find her other than by scent alone. He was so tired of searching... and so he followed instead. The beast of bone and his sister wife were not mean, nor were they particularly kind. This seemed to suit the gray boy just fine - they would never replace his mother nor his sisters. Whether they made him a slave or adopted him as their own, they would never be his true family. His true family was scattered, missing, gone.

These winding plains of lively green did not suit him, yet it was where he ended up regardless. He did not want to enter a pack just yet, a large pack of wolves with golden hearts and intentions, it made him sick to live among such do wellers. He was better off alone, wasn't he? The boy looked back from where he had managed to wonder off, temporarily breaking away from Syrinx and his pregnant woman. They... lost the right to claim him when they gave up their pack. Perhaps if he got far enough away he could carve a path of his own?

Did he want to?

His lips pulled into a frown, and he decided that he would climb out of this valley and leave it's beauty behind him - yet was stopped when he heard the voice of another. At first, he thought it might be Eos, and he froze, not knowing what the punishment for leaving would be... yet it seemed that was not the case. The woman was a stranger - and Aeron stopped, staring at her golden eyes with his own mismatched ones. It seemed the dame needed help.

The boy's lips twitched. "You can't find water in a valley?" If there was a smidgen of humor left in him, he would have laughed. But his laughter was taken before he could truly express it, and so his tones were serious, and his gaze was placid. Should he care whether this silly woman died of thirst surrounded by water? The gray brute couldn't find anything within him that did, yet he had an equally hard time finding reasons to let her stay dehydrated. "I can take you to the river, I just passed it." His legs were still a bit damn from crossing it.

His ears perked atop his head, and he motioned for the woman to follow him. And then he remembered Basilisk, and how adamant the other boy had been about knowing his name. Perhaps they were important to others too? "I am Aeron. Turning to face the stranger, he would wait for her to return the favor and give him her name as well. It was only fair?